A beautiful Sunset. (Sting X Yukino)

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So as requested by Its_J_Me I wrote a stingyu chapter! Anyway just a reminder that you can request some chapters!
(Sting is guild master in this chapter and Minerva will be actually nice since she is very happy now!)

It was a beautiful summer, the trees were as fresh as ever, the birds sang, everything was so peaceful.


"Listen up! Sting planned a guild holiday for us! So go home and pack your bags! Oh and be here at 9 sharp in the morning!" Minerva said as she then jumped off of the table.

~A Few hours later~(Get the reference)

"Ok! Let me just check who is here so we don't forget anyone!" Minerva said as she took out her notebook from her purple transparent bag. "Rouge?","Present","Frosch?", "Fro is here","Rufus?","Here"

A few minutes later...
"Ok! Everyone is here so we can go now! Sting and Rogue please come to get your motion sickness potion! Oh and everyone, your seats have already been assigned! So when you go in, your name should be floating above your seat!" Minerva informed as she took out the potion to give it to Sting and Rouge.
"Wow! You really outdid yourself! Thanks so much for organising the transport! Just the thought of being on a vehicle makes me sick..." Sting said as he shuddered at the thought of booking the transport.
"Thanks Sting! Now have a full of this, it might make you feel a bit dizzy at first but it will be fine in a few seconds!" She said as she handed Sting the potion, he took a gulp and as she had said he lost his balance...and fell. Thought it was different for Rouge, he was perfectly normal...except that fact he became drunk in a matter of seconds.

"Lady! We need ta' go! Get aboard!" The driver said impatiently as he beeped the horn which made Sting jump. "Ok you two! Get on the coach!" Minerva ordered as she grabbed the two by their collars and threw them into the coach.
"Ok! Sting you're at the front with Yukino! Rouge you're at the back with...m-me..." Minerva said as she blushed when she said the last part.

"YAYYYYYY! I'M SITTING NEXT TO MIN-SAMA!" A drunken Rouge celebrated as he started dancing. "S-sama? Hehe..." Minerva stuttered as she turned so red that it could rival Erza's hair. She walked down to the back of the coach, her dark midnight purple hair tied up in a messy bun, which bounced with every step she took. She was wearing a light purple crop top with the Sabertooth crest on it, and tight white short with flower printed sandles. Finally, she reached the back of the coach and sat next to a drunk Rouge.

"Well helllloooo~ Are you sure you're from Earth land?" Rouge purred. Getting only a slight squeak from Minerva as she turned into a tomato,"because babe, you are an angle from the heavens~" He added. At this time, the vehicle started and Minerva got pushed into Rouge due to the sudden speed.
"I see, very bold of you my angle~" and with that Minerva started to literally give off steam. She tried to get off but Rouge held her tightly.

Meanwhile in the front of the coach, Sting was looking outside enjoying the view to try to not look at Yukino as it would only cause him to become a tomato. "Ummm...S-Sting? Are you ok? You don't look so well! DID THE POTION DO SOMETHING!" Yukino panicked as she placed a hand on Sting's forehead which caused the blonde to become a tomato. "I'm f-fine..." Sting stuttered as he looked down to avoid eye contact. "No you're not! Now before you get worse I recommend you sleep!" Yukino recommended as she sat down. "Y-Yeah...I'll sleep..." Sting said as he shut his eyes to try to sleep, but no matter in which position he sat he wasn't able to sleep.
"Sting? You ok?" Yukino asked as she turned towards the blonde. "Yea...I can't find a good position..." Sting said as he shifted. "Here, place your head on my lap, it will help..." Yukino said softly as Sting placed his head on her lap. Eventually, they both fell asleep.

* * *

"GET UP! We're here!" The driver said as he beeped his horn, awakening everyone. They all got off and headed towards the reception.
"Hello! Welcome to Guild resorts! This resort has everything a mage would need and if you need anything don't hesitate to call!" The receptionist chirped as she handed them their keys. The roomings were...
-Sting and Yukino
-Rouge and Minerva
-Frosch and Lector
And so on...

~Sting and Yukino's room~
Luckily for Sting and Yukino they had been given a balcony with a swimming pool in their room. It was now 9 on and the sunset was nearly starting. Neither Sting or Yukino could sleep due to their long nap in the coach.

"Hey Yuki?"


"Want to watch the sunset together in the pool?"


~In the pool~

"Isn't it beautiful Sting?"

"Yea, it is"

"But I have something better"




"I love you,Yukino"

"I love you too, Sting"

And the couple kissed in the pool as the sunset in front of them.


Hope you all enjoyed that!
Thanks Its_J_Me for the request! I really enjoyed writing this one!
Also, just a reminder to say that you can request anything as long as it involves fairy tail! And that you can follow, vote and comment if you liked this chapter! And if not tell me ways to improve! Anyway thanks so much for reading this and once again I hoped you enjoyed my Sting X Yukino chapter!
Have a nice day/night! And never give up on what you believe! Goodbye and thank you!


Word count: 1004

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