

I slid my phone in my back pocket as I jogged downstairs, smiling as soon as my eyes landed on Santiago sitting on the couch.

I think it was kind of a given that men looked adorable beaten up as bad as it sounded, but Santiago seemed to look ten times more adorable than any other male could ever even think about being.

"Hey," he said, looking over at me.

"Hey," I said, "I was just on the phone with Alessandra."

His eyebrows shot up. "I bet that was eventful."

"I forgot to mention the fact that we made up, I guess," I said, plopping down on the couch.

He just smiled.

"She said she's going to keep the boys with her for a few more days," I said, "that you really need rest and space-"

"I can get those things with the boys here," he said, furrowed brows, "they're twelve, they're pretty much self-s-"

I placed a hand on his arm, smiling. "She's just trying to help."

"I seriously can't believe that after, what, however many years you haven't found out that she's a very manipulative woman."

"Okay, she might be, but she means well right now," I said, "believe it or not, no one is out to get you right now."

He furrowed his brows together. "That's rich."

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't let me forget about the fact that I just got out of the hospital," he said, "you are constantly reminding me that someone's out to get me right now."

"I think your meds are wearing off," I muttered, standing up.

"I think they are, too, because it feels like a goddamn train is driving through my chest."

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed his medicine out of the cabinet, pouring a glass of water.

I walked into the living room and handed him his meds along with his water.

"Thank you, sorry I snapped," he said, grabbing my hand.

I smiled and raked my fingers through his hair. "Just get some rest."

I heard a knock on the door and I figured it was just another flower delivery for the day. News had gotten out that Santiago was officially back home, and everyone felt the need to send flowers to his building and close friends and family were sending huge bouquets to the house.

I really expected something different for a man, no lie.

I opened the door and froze when I saw Mateo standing there, my lips parting.

He gulped, pursing his lips together.

I looked over my shoulder and closed the door behind me, folding my arms over my chest.

"I was just stopping by," he said.

I just nodded slowly. "You know, he was in the hospital for two days, you could've stopped by then."

"I could've," he said, "but I didn't."

"Yeah, I know, I was there."

"I get it," he said, "you hate me, I can't technically blame you."

"I don't hate you," I said, shaking my head.

"Does he?" He asked, looking away from me.

"I think that's a conversation for you two," I said, "at a different time, though."

Loving the Homewrecker (BOOK 3) Where stories live. Discover now