Chapter 12 - Moonlight Kisses

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I stretched as I got out of bed. I walked over to the bulletin board and saw that it was Jimin's day.

I simply did my daily routine before I left my room, ready to go to the second floor. I hadn't really been there yet so I was curious about what it looked like. As I walked through the hallways of my floor to the stairs I hummed and looked around. I hadn't really noticed how the walls in the halls were filled with paintings and pictures. It was weird to see them in pictures that looked like they were shot professionally.

Family pictures I guess.

Are they family?

My first stop was at the third floor, where I grabbed some breakfast before I went to Jimin's part of the house. As I entered the second floor I saw RM en Jimin sitting on the floor in front of a television playing a video game.

The living room is on this floor I guess.

I cleared my throat to get their attention, but that was more difficult then I thought. Their eyes were glued to the TV.

"Good morning," I said while walking over, looking at my schedule. They 'good morning-ed' me back as they kept playing the game.

Today I had to clean the hallways, Jimin's personal room, and his bedroom.

I started off with Jimin's room. I didn't really have to do much since it was fairly clean. I made his bed and vacuumed his floor, his room was basically done already.

I made my way over to his bathroom and found it filled with beauty products. Most were skin related.

That's how he has beautiful skin.

I cleaned all the surface areas and put his products away. I quickly mopped and wiped the whole place and was done with his room. Curious to what Jimin's personal room would be I entered the room, simply to find a giant walk-in closet, just like how Taehyung had it. One thing that stood out was a piano, sitting in the middle of the room, with closets and shelves surrounding it.

So pretty.

I grabbed his laundry and carefully ironed it, to later put it away in his closet. I mopped the floor and cleaned the piano. This room was finished as well.

Finished with both the rooms, I looked at my schedule. Only the hallways left to do. As I mopped the hallways I hummed along with the music that came from the living room.

As I noticed the paintings and pictures on the wall earlier I took the time to also look through this hallway and pay attention to the art hanging. This time there were also pictures of them standing on different stages, with what looked like thousands of people enjoying their show.

When they first introduced themselves I thought it sounded pretty familiar.

Bangtan Sonyeondan... Interesting.

I finished cleaning rather early in the day, it was only around 3 o'clock. I walked over to the living room, now to see 5 guys hanging out. Jimin and RM were still in the same place, playing the same video game. Taehyung joined them sitting next to RM, staring at the screen to see who was winning. Suga was laying on the couch looking at his phone while he tapped his foot along to the music. Jin laid opposite of Suga on the couch, trying to keep his eyes open while looking at the TV, it was obvious though that he was really tired.

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