Chapter 11 - Everythingoes

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The next morning I woke up by the sound of my alarm. When I turned it off and looked through the room I was surprised by its emptiness. I walked over to my bulletin board and looked at my schedule.

Today is Jungkook's day. Why isn't he here waiting for me? I thought the guys would come and get me every morning?

I took a shower and put on my work outfit. When I walked back into my room it was still empty. Looking at the clock I decided to just go cleaning instead of waiting for Jungkook to come to pick me up. I grabbed my schedule as I left the room.

So let's see, today I have to clean all the furniture in the library and bookshelves since I've already done the floor yesterday. As for Jungkook's second room I have to-

I bumped into something and fell to the floor. Sitting on my butt I rubbed my head. When I looked up I saw a grinning Jungkook with his arms crossed staring at me.

A blush crept up my cheeks and I quickly got up. "Damn you feel hard," I murmured. After I finished talking I realized how gross it sounded. "I mean, as in rock solid," I sighed at my awkwardness and covered my face with my hands. I groaned as Jungkook started laughing.

"You're funny," he chuckled as his laughter died down. "I know these abs are rock solid indeed, thanks for the compliment," I rolled my eyes as he grinned. "Come let's get some breakfast," he grabbed my hand as he took me towards the dining room, where the table was filled with all kinds of food.

This looks fucking delicious oh my.

Hungrily I sat down opposite of Jungkook and looked at the food.

"I prepared this for you," Jungkook suddenly said. I looked up and noticed his pink cheeks.

Wait, is he blushing?

"It looks delicious!" I mumbled and gave him a smile. We quickly started eating in silence.

I ate and ate, not realizing that halfway through Jungkook was done already and was now looking at me. When I noticed, I blushed as I shoved another sandwich in my mouth.

"Your appetite is intense," Jungkook had his eyebrows raised with slightly parted lips.

I giggled shyly and finished my last bite. "I just love breakfast."

As we finished the food he walked me over to his part of the house. He told me specific little things he wanted me to do, that were not on the schedule. His room was definitely a lot cleaner than Taehyung's room, not as many clothes were thrown everywhere. When he was done explaining he left the room and let me do my cleaning.

I finished with his room and bathroom rather quickly and moved on to the library. I turned the small radio on and let it play some soft music while cleaning.

The house felt so empty as if I was the only one present.

Finished with the library, which was now shining, that's how clean it was. I moved on to Jungkook's personal room. Not knowing what would be there I got surprised. It had the same vibe as an old garage where you did your band practice back in the day. The room had a little stage where drums were placed in the center, with bass and electric guitar placed next to it. In the corner of the stage stood a keyboard. On the other side of the room was a desk with a computer, that looked really expensive. Above that desk were shelves filled with video games.

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