Chapter 36- Madrid Part 2

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So I was again Supposed to post this tommorow...

And I ended up posting today anyways..

Because i mean... We are all already waiting for Violetta season 3... (And some of you are waiting for v2 in the u.k) So why should I make you wait for this?

😉Am i right?

K anyways... enjoy😍


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Diego's POV:

My phone rang. I was about to pick it up but I decided to let it ring since it was probably Ludmilla again. Leon was in the room tuning his guitar so I didn't want to answer it while he was there.

It rang again. Leon looked at me.

"Aren't you gonna get that?" He asked.

"What?no!" I said about to turn off my phone.

Then I saw Lara's missed calls.

I was about to call her back when Violetta called me...

"Hey Violetta!" I said loud so Leon could hear.

"Hey Diego... i just wanted to say goodnight"

"Aw... You are cute" i said smiling.

"So excited for tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah" she said. "Can't wait to get up on stage and sing one of my songs"

"Do you have any new ones that you are going to sing?"

"No, maybe just my mother's song that I have been working on"

"Did you finish it?!"

"Yes i did." She said happily. "Wanna hear it? I am gonna practice singing it during practice tommorow!"

"Okay I will see you there"

"Great" she said as someone was talking behind her. "Oh! I have got to go... me and Fran are heading to bed!"

"Okay beautiful Goodnight" i said smiling.

"Goodnight Diego"

"Love you"

"I love you too now goodnight!" She said hanging up.

I put my phone on the counter and got into my blanket and slept as I thought of Violetta.


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Lara's POV:

Why isn't Diego picking up the phone?!?

This is not good. If Violetta sees the video... Everything will be ruined...

I will just call Diego tommorow in the morning and in the afternoon! Diego has to call me back!


•neхт мornιng•

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Diego's POV:

I woke up to hear a noise shouting in my head.

"Diego!" It said. "Wake up!"

I slowly opened my eyes to daylight.

"We are already late!" Leon said.

"What happened?!" I asked confused.

"Just get ready! Neither of our alarms worked and now we are almost 6 minutes late for rehearsal!"

"Shit!" I said as I quickly got up and got dressed.

Leon had finished combing his hair and said he would meet me in the lobby with the rest of the girls. We needed to all go together since there was only one car!

I quickly got my stuff and went downstairs feeling like I forgot something...

"Diego! Hurry let's go!" Said Violetta as we cramed into the car.

"I forgot my phone!" Said Diego.

"Just get it after practice okay?? Don't worry!" Said Vilu smiling at me.

"Okay" i said smiling back. I got lost into her eyes and forgot all about it as we went to practice.


During Practice I watched Violetta sing her song...

Es seguro que me oíste hablar
de lo que se puede hacer,
de la magia que tiene cantar
y de ser quien quieres ser
Ya no importa qué pueda pasar,
sino lo que tú has de hacer,
el color que uses al pintar,
lo que pienses y el pincel

Sé que existen duendes y hadas
y que intentar es mejor que nada
No te detengas, no guardes nada
Vuela más alto y verás

Voy donde sopla el viento
Hoy digo lo que siento
Soy mi mejor momento
y donde quiera yo voy

oh oh

Y donde quiera yo voy

We all clapped in the room and I looked around to see Antonio who looked clearly impressed. Violetta was so happy and she smiled at me. I gave her a thumbs up and winked.


When we got back to the hotel, Violetta and Leon had to go get something in their rooms.

I hung out with Francesca in the lobby and glared as the two got into the elevator.


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Violetta's POV:

It was an awkward elevator ride... I went to go get my map while Leon went to go get something else. I didn't care what he had to get. I just wanted him to get it and then be over with it.

"Meet me back in the elevator when you get your map, okay?"

"Okay." I said not looking at him.

I suddenly remembered.

"Oh! Wait! Go get Diego's phone too..." I said awkardly.

The door opened on our floor. He went right while I went left.

"Okay" he said.

Our rooms were quite far away from each other.

I walked into my room and got my map.

Then I stood outside the elevator until I heard his footsteps.

"Here you go" he said handing me Diego's phone and accidentally turning it on.

"Thanks" i said as I looked down and saw all the missed calls...

4 missed calls from... Lara...

Why was Lara calling Diego? I decided to ignore it and get into the elevator quietly.

As I was in the elevator with Leon, a text popped up on Diego's phone:

"Diego! It's Lara! Since you are not calling me back... Try to delete the video on Leon's phone! You will see why if you watch it! Hurry!"

I put down the phone, as the elevator door opened.

What video is she talking about? I have to find out...

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