Chapter 30- New Student

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Violetta's POV:

At dinner, I heard a knock on the door.

I went to go get it and was surprised to see...

"Fede!" I screamed hugging him.

"Violetta! Look at you!"

Federico was my childhood friend and neighbor.

"What are you doing here?" I asked excitedly.

"I have moved from Italy! I just wanted to say hi!"

Just then my dad came in.

"Federico! How are you?" He asked.

"I'm good German!"

"Nice to see you it's been so long!" He said smiling.

Olga's eyes lit up!

"Fede! You came back! Oh you were so small and look at you now!" She said hugging him.

"It's nice to see you too Olga"

"Come for dinner Fede!" said german.

"Oh no i should really get back home!" He tried to say.

"We insist Fede!" I said happily.

"Well ok!" He said smiling.

We ate dinner while Federico talked about Italy.

"So Federico... You still play guitar?" I asked

"Yep" he said. "I have been working on my singing too."

"That's great!" Said Olga.

"You should attend my school! It's all music"

"That seems cool! Thanks" he said smiling.


The next day, Me and Fede walked in and Diego immediately came up to me.

"Violetta!...who is this?" He asked looking jealous.

"This is my childhood friend Federico!" I said smiling.

"Hey man! Nice to meet you!" He said holding out to shake his hand. "Hey Vilu, is this your boyfriend?"

"Yes" diego replied pulling me away from Fede.

"Fede, why don't you introduce yourself to others i will be right back!" I said glaring at Diego.

"He is just a friend!" I whispered.

"I know i know.... I am sorry"

I crossed my arms and went to class with Diego.

Class started and Beto introduced Fede.

"Look's like we have a new student!" He shouted.

"Here he is right here!" Said Beto pulling Fede in front of him.


"Hi" said fede.

Everyone waved.

Then Fede came to sit next to me, but Diego scooted towards me... So Fede sat in the other seat still near me.


After class I was supposed to show Fede around. After the tour, I walked towards the dance studio to meet up with Leon.

"Your boyfriend.. Is.. Uhm..."

"What?" I asked.

"Never mind"

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