Chapter 21- Karaoke

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Violetta's POV:

During school, Diego wouldn't stop talking to me. We were still broken up but we hung out the whole day. He even bought me lunch which I thought was sweet... I didn't know what I thought of him... Am I starting to like him again?

It was friday... Also maxi's birthday. We wished him a happy birthday! Me, Francesca and Cami pitched in to get him these new headphones he wanted. He was really happy and thanked all of us. He invited us to go sing at this karaoke club. We all were planning on going today.

After school, I bumped into Leon. How awkward.

"Sorry" i said picking up my books.

"Its ok" he said picking up my diary. "Here"

"Thanks" i said taking my diary.

He looked tense and nervous. He probably was trying not to talk to me.

"Listen, is there a reason why you are avoiding me?" I asked him.

"" he said hesitating.

Wow he must be avoiding me...

"Why does it have to be awkward between us? Can't we just be friends?" I said.

"We can..." He said sighing. "Listen.. I'm not avoiding you... I'm in a relationship so I'm just spending more time with my girlfriend"


"Yeah..." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Did she ask you to avoid me?"

Leon folded his arms.

"No she didn't!" He said angrily. "You can't just assume she said that!"

"Okay, im sor-" i tried to say but Maxi interrupted us.


"Hey maxi, whats up?" He said turning to face him.

"Can you come to this karaoke club for my birthday tonight?"

He handed him the invitation. Leon glanced at me.

"Yeah sure... Can i bring my girlfriend?"

No he didn't... Ugh I was so jealous.

"Yeah sure bye!"

"Leon-" i said trying to speak.

"I have to go Violetta... See you at the karaoke club" he said walking away.

"See you there..." i said walking away.


Before I went to the party diego texted me:

"Hey vilu! You going to Maxi's Karaoke party? :)"

"Yeah see you there" i texted back.

What if I'm going to hang out with diego the whole time? I hope he doesn't try to do anything. I hope I also don't accidently make Leon jealous... But then why would I do that? Leon doesn't even like me as a friend.


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Leon's POV:

I felt bad about today. I shouldn't have asked Maxi if I could bring Lara in front of Violetta. I was just mad that Violetta kept mentioning Lara in a negative way. Was she really that Jealous?

I texted lara to come to the karaoke party.

She replied after a few seconds.

"Karaoke? :( I'm not sure... I don't sing"

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