Chapter 31- Nuestro Camino

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Violetta's POV:

I hummed a melody in my head as I bent down to put my pajamas on.

I got into my bed and kept humming. It was a familiar tune; Leon's song that he was playing during dance rehearsals. I sang as I drifted to sleep.

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Leon's POV:

Tonight wasn't like any other night. I got into bed and immediately thought about Violetta...

So i got up and got my guitar and began playing and humming... until i became tired...

I set my guitar down, yawned then stared at my bedroom ceiling as my eyes slowly began closing...

Violetta: tanto tiempo caminando junto a ti
aún recuerdo el día en que te conocí

Violetta appeared. She came down the stairs in a golden dress. She had curled her hair and wore pretty makeup. Words could not describe my feelings in this moment.

el amor en mi nació
tu sonrisa me enseño
tras las nubes siempre va a estar el sol...

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Violetta's POV:

I was in a fancy hotel with a golden dress and beautiful hair and makeup. I was singing and walking around, looking at all the beautiful decorations... When i heard his voice.

Leon: te confieso que sin ti no se seguir
luz en el camino tu eres para mi
desde que mi alma te vio
tu dulzura me envolvió
si estoy contigo se detiene el reloj

Our eyes met as we both inched closer to each other.

Both: lo sentimos los dos
El corazón nos hablo
y al oído suave nos susurro

Quiero mirarte
Quiero soñarte
vivir contigo cada instante
Quiero abrazarte
Quiero besarte
Quiero tenerte junto a mi
pues amor el lo que siento
eres todo para mi

We smiled and danced as we spun each other around.

Quiero mirarte
Quiero soñarte
vivir contigo cada instante
Quiero abrazarte
Quiero besarte
Quiero tenerte junto a mi
tu eres lo que necesito
pues lo que siento es...

Then he spun me and I suddenly changed clothes! I had a flowerly dress and my hair was tied up! I saw him on the other side of the room. We were in a diner!

Leon: En tus ojos veo el mundo de color

Violetta: En tus brazos descubrí yo el amor

Leon: ¿verá en mi ella lo mismo?

Violetta: ¿querrá el estar conmigo?

Both: Dime que tu lates por mi también

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Leon's POV:

We changed again. I was wearing a leather jacket while she was wearing a flowery dress and had her hair tied up this time.

Both: Lo sentimos los dos
Violetta: El corazón nos habló
Leon: hablo
Both: y al oído suave nos susurró

She gently got up and sang but I ran after her. She raised her hand over her head but I held it and spun her around as I lifted her chin. She smiled and I twirled her once again.

Violetta: Quiero mirarte
Quiero soñarte
vivir contigo cada instante...

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Violetta's POV:

What was I doing? Leon is with Lara and I am with Diego! I got up and felt sad... But leon came after me and pulled me closer to him. I continued singing as he twirled me.

Violetta: Quiero mirarte
Quiero soñarte
vivir contigo cada instante
Quiero abrazarte
Quiero besarte
Quiero tenerte junto a mi
pues amor es lo que siento
eres todo para mi

Spinning again, I looked down to see if the transformation worked. Yes... It did.

I was now wearing a purple dress suit with a glitter belt. I looked around to see disco lights everywhere and watched as Leon came up to me in a purple velvet blazer!

Both: Quiero mirarte
Quiero soñarte
vivir contigo cada instante
Quiero abrazarte
Quiero besarte
Quiero tenerte junto a mi
pues amor es lo que siento
eres todo para mi

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Leon's POV:

Scene changed again! We were now in a disco club and Violetta stood in front of me in a long purple dress suit. I looked at her up and down and took her hand as we danced. This time, I twirled her and looked her in the eyes as I dipped her. She smiled at me and we continued singing.

Quiero mirarte
Quiero soñarte
vivir contigo cada instante

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Violetta's POV:

Everything was just perfect. I didn't want it to end! He dipped me as he looked me in the eyes and I smiled and sang.

Quiero abrazarte
Quiero besarte
Quiero tenerte junto a mi
tu eres lo que necesito pues lo que siento es....

He spun me one last time and took my hand as he bent down on his knees.

Amor ... ♫ ♥

He kissed the back of my hand and then I woke up.


sorryy but I HAD to have a whole chapter for Leonetta<3

Hope you liked it! It was obviously based of the music video for "Nuestro Camino" (in english it is translated to... i think... "Our Way"? But im not sure).

And this is probably one of my favorite songs in Violetta 2 by the way so I had to make this all special and stuff ;)

Anyways keep on voting and commenting thank youuuu☺️



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