Chapter 33- Winners

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Hey everyone so before I start I just want to say that I am going to focus more on finishing this than my other book because I'm so close and I just have more ideas and i guess this is more fun to write?

But yeah anyways... I am thinking I will finish this in maybe around 7 or more parts.... We will see ;)

Enjoy this chapter<3


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☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Leon's POV:

I thought about telling Violetta what I had heard Ludmilla say... But what if she didn't believe me? Then she would get mad and not do the dance with me.

I needed to tell her later... Until then... I called Francesca.


"Leon! Hi, how are you?" She said.

"Hey Francesca... Listen i really need to talk to you about Violetta..." I said nervously.

"Okay" she said sounding interested. "Are you going to admit to her that you like her?"

"What? No!"

"Ok then... If you say so"

"Anyways Fran... I overheard Ludmilla talking about Violetta"

"Mhm?" Fran said listening.

"And she was talking about a plan to get her out of the studio!"

"That is so Ludmilla"

"I know but... Then she mentioned something about Diego..."


"I don't know something about how he didn't do what she asked properly and that he ruined her plan... It sounds like they were working together!"

"Why would Diego do that? He is Vilu's boyfriend!"

"I know... I'm confused" i said sighing.

"Well... We can't tell Vilu yet... She is going to be so hurt"

"When do we tell her?"

"When we have proof!"

"Okay... We need to keep an eye on Ludmilla and Diego!"

"Got it" she said.

"Okay I will see you tommorow bye Francesca"

"Bye see you at school Leon"



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Violetta's POV:

We sat in class as we waited for the bell to ring.

When it did, Gregorio and Pablo came up onto the stage.

"Are you ready for your dance presentations??" He asked.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

"Remember the first and second place winners get to go to Madrid!"

We were all excited.

I would love to go to Madrid again. Especially to perform...


The couples all danced.

First was Ludmilla and Maxi. They didn't do so well and kept stepping on each others' foots.

&quot;All In My Head&quot;: A Leonetta FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now