Chapter 34- Not a Little Girl

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Violetta's POV:

I couldn't believe what my dad had said.

"Why?!" I asked.

"It's too dangerous" he responded.

"No papa, it's not! I am 17 years old!" I shouted. "You let me go last time!"

"But that was with your aunt Georgina... This time you are going alone! I can't let you go!"

"first you won't let me drive now this?! I am almost 18 i am not your little girl anymore!"


"No papa! This is unfair! I am old enough to travel alone now and I am going!" I said slamming the door behind me.


I walked until I reached the motorcross.

There was Leon leaning against the fence and watching a race.

He turned and saw me. I slowly walked up to him with tears in my eyes. I probably looked awful with a red stuffy nose and makeup running down my face... But i didn't care. We looked into each other eyes and then I ran to up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Violetta" he said quietly after a while.

"What happened?"

"My dad... He won't let me go to Madrid!"

"Really... But you are 17 already..."

"I know! He is being way too protective of me! I hate this" i said crying into his shoulder.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"I said i was going anyway"

"You are?"

"Yep..." I said sighing. "I don't care what he says"

"Violetta maybe-"

"No leon, i am going and that's final" i said. "I just want to forget about this and talk about something else"

Leon looked down nervously.

"What is it? Is there something else you want to tell me?"

"Uh..." he said. "Nothing"

"Leon just say it" i said.

"Okay fine..." He said. "I think you should be careful of Diego... He is planning something with Ludmilla..."

"Like what?"

"Something bad... To you"

"To me? Why would my own boyfriend do that?" i said angrily in disbelief.

"I don't know... But Diego unscrewed something in my motor crossing bike so I don't know what he is capable of anymore..."

"Leon stop talking like this?! You sound insane!"


"No this can't be true!"

"Violetta i didn't want this to be true either but he really did unscrew my bike!"

"Prove it" i said crossing my arms and glaring at Leon.

"Okay but how?"

"Show me your bike"

We went over to his bike and Leon searched for the missing holes where the screw could have been taken out...

"This is weird..."

"What?" I said still angry.

"The screws must have been replaced!"

"Let me see those screws" i took the screws and bent down to look at Leon's Bike.

"Leon!" These screws aren't even big enough to fit into the bike! These are probably just regular screws how did you even get this?!"

"They were in Diego's bag and-"

"You looked through Diego's bag?!" I was furious.

Leon tried to talk but I interrupted.

"No Leon! You found regular screws in Diego's bag! Why did you have to just assume that Diego took them out of your bike?! I have never seen you this jealous and I am so disappointed, I thought you were a good guy! I never expected you to steal screws and blame everything on my boyfriend.... But now I don't even want to see you anymore not even dance with you!"

"Violetta wait!"

I ran away throwing the screws on the ground and cried on my way to the Fran's house.

"Violetta what happened?!"

"I don't want to talk about it... Can i just stay over?"

"Sure" she said opening the door wide.


The next day I left to my house early in the morning.

I snuck inside and packed all my clothes and was about to leave with my suitcase when I heard my dad's voice.

"Violetta" he said.

I turned around and felt sad because i just got busted.

"Listen Papa... You can't do this to me! You have to let me live my dream! I want to go to Madrid so badly!! So so so much! If i don't perform i don't know what I will do! This means so much to me you know that?"

I talked fast and my dad stood there emotionless.


"No. Listen papa. I really want to go! And i promise I will call you everyday to tell you I'm okay! Please! I am old enough! I'm almost a grown woman and you have to let me do these things sooner or later! It's my dream! It's everything to me"

I was crying. Angie walked in.

She smiled at me and looked at German.

"Yes" he finally said. "I understand... And i just wanted to tell you... don't forget your passport"

"Wait... What?"

"You can go" he said slightly grinning.

Angie winked at me and we came in for a group hug.

"You are right... You are all grown up and I have got to start treating you like the woman you are..." He said smiling at me.

"Therefore..." He said smiling at Angie. "When you come back... i am going to teach you how to drive"

"NO WAY!" I said crying with tears of joy.

"Yes! He is!" Angie said smiling and crying as well since she saw me crying.

"I love you both so much" i said. "Thank you"

"Your welcome Vilu" my dad said kissing me on the forehead.

"Well you better go" said angie.

"Okay.. I will miss all of you!!! I will call you!"

"Okay Vilu! We love you have a safe flight and make us proud"

As soon as I shut the door, I screamed in excitement as I ran to Fran's car.

"They let me go!" I said excitedly.

"Seriously??!!" She asked surprised.


"Yay! Oh my god!"

We got in the car and drove to school.

Everyone got in the car to go to the airport. I made sure to sit as far away from Leon as possible because I was still mad at him.

When we got on the plane, we watched as we were being lifted into the air...


Next parts are going to be in Madrid!!!

Keep voting and commenting:) This is almost to 2k thank you<3


&quot;All In My Head&quot;: A Leonetta Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن