The Brothers' Virus PART 2 (Sickfic)

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"Morning, sunshine," Dean chuckled when Adam sat up. Dean was laying on his bed, reading a newspaper. Sam sat on the edge researching something on his laptop.

"Ugh, morning," Adam groaned and laid back down.

"How're ya feeling, sport?" Dean asked.

"So dizzy. Can't sit up for too long," Adam groaned.

"Take it easy. Can I get you anything?" Sam offered, looking up from his laptop.

"I dunno. I'm kinda hungry but I feel like I'll throw up if I eat anything," Adam answered.

"Well, you should try to eat something. I can pick you up some chicken noodle soup from the café across the street," Sam offered.

"That sounds fine, I guess," Adam groaned.

"Okay, kiddo, I'll be right back," Sam said as he got up and closed his laptop. Sam headed out the door, leaving Adam and Dean alone.

"Get some rest, kiddo. Maybe you can sleep it off a little," Dean suggested.

Adam rolled over and closed his eyes. Dean got up and sat down beside Adam. He gently rubbed his side to try and soothe him. Adam shot up and stumbled to the bathroom.

"Adam?" Dean called after him.

Sam opened the door with a to go bowl of soup. "What's going on?" he asked. The sound of retching erupted from the bathroom. Sam set down the soup and peeked into the bathroom.

"Yeah, now isn't the time for soup," Dean sighed.

Adam retched harder into the toilet. Soon he was reduced to harsh coughs and dry heaving. "Can I be alone for a bit, Dean?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, sure," Dean sighed as he got up and left Adam.

Adam readjusted himself on the toilet and sat there with his head rested on his eblows. He breathed deeply as suppressed the urge to gag. Eventually, he proved to be to weak to hold it off. He began to vomit over and over until his throat was shredded. He took a deep breath and flushed the toilet. He got up and stumbled back into bed.

Sam wanted to ask if he was feeling any better, but he knew better than to disturb him. Sam put the soup in the mini fridge and let Adam sleep. "I'm going to the library to do some research," Sam whispered before quietly leaving again, leaving Dean to keep an eye on the kid.

Dean let Adam sleep for a few more hours. "Feeling up to that soup, Sport?" Dean asked when Adam slowly sat up. Adam nodded his head and swung it his feet out of the bed. Dean took the little paper bowl of chicken noodle soup out of the fridge and took the lid off. He put it in the microwave for a minute or so before he stirred it and set it on the night stand. He gave Adam a plastic spoon from the bag the café gave them. Adam took a careful sip from the bowl. After tasting it for a second, Adam dove into the bowl like a starved wolf.

In the same instant, Sam walked through the door. "Well someone's feeling better," Sam chuckled. "Slow down or it'll come back up," he added. It was too late, Adam had already finished the soup and had fallen asleep again.

Adam stayed asleep until morning. He was feeling much better. Dean was able to check them out of the motel and get back on the road.

A/N -
Hey, this one was requested by Ram_3500. I hope y'all enjoyed it! Sorry it took so long. My boyfriend and I have been really sick with mono and we're still pretty run down. We've also been busy with homecoming stuff and our anniversary is coming up so that's fun. We've had a really busy few months and I'm hoping I can write more in the future. I know I say that a lot and I'm always super irregular about posting and I'm really sorry about that.

Supernatural Oneshots/Imagines/Sickfics REQUESTS OPENWhere stories live. Discover now