Ch. 59: Family Portrait

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"I'm sorry!" I hear a yell, it almost feels like it's right next to me. I shoot up looking at the clock, it's only been an hour since I got here. "Please don't!"

It's my mother's voice. Her screech. I run out of my room quickly, stopping at the steps, when I look over, I see my dad holding a broken glass within his hands.

My mom is in the corner of the kitchen, in only a bathrobe. My father looks greasy, and along with his walk that he tries towards her.

I don't know what to do. My eyes staying still as I see my dad walking closer and closer to her. Flashbacks play in my head on repeat, and I'm afraid for her as I am afraid for myself. I obviously didn't want my mom hurt, but I didn't want to be in a coma either. I take off one of my sneakers steathly, and throw it to the floor below me.

My father's ear raises, and as soon as he turns, I rush to my bedroom where my phone is at. I hear a hit, and a fall, which then I proceed to hear his clumsy footsteps below the staircase as I shut and lock the door. He looks absolutely insane.

My first thought is to call Jake, but I had to call the police first. "911, what's your emergency?"

"Please I need help! My fathers acting crazy!! I screech into the phone."

"Okay calm down. What's your address?"

"It's 8876 Caplin Stre-." The door busts open with my father heaving. He looks at my phone, grasping it and throws it at the wall.

I'm terrified, and I don't want him near me. I feel my feet back up, trying towards the window next to the bathroom.

"Why are you afraid, darling?" He cups my cheek to him roughly.

My palm hits his nose, pushing it back; making him shuffle backwards; which gives me enough time to grab my phone, and lock myself in the bathroom.

My phone isn't damage like the last time. Ever since the incident, I've gotten a better case to brake the fall. I hear sirens from a distance, they got the address before my father tossed my phone. I dial Jake's number next. He doesn't answer.

"Come out, hunnnnny!" My father slurs out. "Need ya a spanking!" He hammers on the door.

I call Jake again, and right before the phone reaches voicemail, I hear breathing across the receiver.

"Jake! I know you told me we can't talk for a while, but my dad is acting like a fucking lunatic! I don't know what to do! The police are on its way, but I'm afraid I'll be hurt before they get here in time!"

"Open this goddam door young lady before I break another one!"

"Jake!" I yell his name.

There's a long pause, and I suddenly I hear a car pull up my drive way, and clear police sirens reach the house.

The pausing continues, then, "Sorry, Jake can't come to the phone right now, he's currently getting the worse beating known to man. My guess he has about an hour before they I beat him to death. He's a strong guy." The eerie voice speaks.

My sweat runs cold, along with door busting open, my father choking me instantly, his eyes baring into mine.

As soon as the air can't reach my lungs, someone pulls him off me. The police are here, it's over.

It's definitely not.

"Are you alright, miss?" The policeman asks me. I can't breathe. Not that because my father almost made me suffocate. No, of course not that. The fact that Ledger answered the phone.

I've never heard him speak, but I know who it was.

I nod my head. "I can't be here right now." My voice barley coming to whisper from the choking.

"Miss, you must come with us." The officer tries to grab my arm, but I scream.

Or at least try to. "No! No!" I swing back. "I'm staying at a friends house, I'll come to the police station when he's detained." I point to my father who's knocked out in some officers arms.

"You at least need to be checked." He says as two other men pull my father out of the room considering he's unconscious.

"No, I'm fine. Peachy." I back out the door.

"You are in shock." He grasps my arm.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I push him off.

The officer puts his hands up in defense. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry. Can you at least come to the station tomorrow."

I nod my head.

I rush downstairs. My mother has an icepack on her forehead. "Where are you going?" She asks as the medic puts ointment on her cut. She sits at the dining table.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the station." I don't answer her question. She's fine. Alive and well. I can't think about her right now, or I'll turn angry. All I can think about is Jake, and I find myself grabbing my mother's keys and heading down the street.

I dial Jake's number again, someone answers the phone. "Hello there, Dawn... cute photo on his screen." Leger speaks.

"What do you want from me?" My voice trembles.

"You're the one that called me, but since your asking, I need you to be at the Underground."

Play dumb, that's the only way to go. "What's that?" I pull the car over, not being able to drive while silently crying and talking to the devil himself.

"I'll text you the address," He laughs. "You're little girlfriend is coming to see you." I hear him say to Jake. There's rustles, and then a punch.

"I'm not his girlfriend." I cringe.

"Pleeaaaase. Continue lying to me, I love it. Just because through text it doesn't confirm anything; doesn't mean the call history isn't shit." Jake and I have both called each other numerous of times, many times. "He calls you more than an actual husband calls there wife. Maybe your pussy is killer, I don't know yet, but I hope I will."

Vomit peeks from my throat, but I swallow it down. "Why do you want me there?"

"So you can watch him slowly die of course." I never met this creature; I'm not saying man because he's much worse than that. I never met him, but I can tell that smirk a mile a minute and it terrifies me too that he is quite more sinister than I thought.

"He means nothing to me." I muster out.

"Are you sure about that? Cause it seems to me much more. Look out your back window."

I do so hesitantly. I see an all back car, in the windshield. I see JC, Tame, and Grayson. "My brother is in the drivers seat. He's sent me numerous photos of you crying, why are you crying if he means nothing to you?"

JC was on our side, how could he do this to us. "Well if you haven't noticed, I came from a broken house. My dad's off to jail because he's an actual lunatic, and my mother is a cheating whore. There's lots of reasons to cry."

There is silence, and I'm left with wonder what's next. "I'll send you the address. Remember they're watching." He hangs up the phone a moment after.

Everything's gone to shit, and I don't know how I feel about that. If I even feel anything because of the numbness that takes over me entirely as I receive the text message from Ledger.

What am I to do?


A/N: Sorry for the long await, I had terrible writers block. I finally just go out of it. I hope to have the chapter out soon. Also Ledger spelling of his name has been changed from Leger to Ledger. Only if you have notice. I'm trying to fix it from the older chapters. Anyway! Hopefully you liked this chapter! Vote and comment pls!!

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