Chapter 28

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(Y/N's POV)

After getting wasted with the guys we went back inside. I being the least drunk put them all in their rooms. After that I went to my own room and  fell asleep.

The next morning we woke up around noon. We got changed and headed into town for the day.

We went around town not knowing where we're going.

"So where we going today?" I asked.

"Movie theater!" Tom and John said.

"Really! That's awesome!" I said.

Of course Chilled was the one guiding us to the place so Galm got the tickets for later in the day.

"Uhh I know where I'm going we just have to take a right. No wait is that a left?" Chilled said.

We sighed not wanting to take direction from him. Who knows where he'll lead us.

After wondering the streets for a while I was starting to get ticked. Chilled kept lead us all over the town.

"Alright I'm getting tired. WHY THE FUCK did we put Chilled in charge of directions!?" I said.

"We didn't he put himself in charge." Ze said.

"Would you guys stop. I know where I'm going." Chilled said.

"Oh yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah... it's just this way follow me!" Chilled said then started to run off.

"Chilled!" The guys said.

The guys and I ran after him trying to catch him. We chased him up the block and I almost caught him. If it wasn't for me running into a guy and falling down.

"I'm so sorry!" I said.

"Ha you always seem to bump into me shorty." He said.

My head jolted up and looked at him.

"Bryce! Hey!" I said.

Bryce helped me up as everyone passed us.

"Who are they?" Bryce asked.

"Just some old friends. We're chasing the directions guys since he ran off. We're looking for the movie theater." I said.

"You mean that one?" Bryce said.

Bryce pointed to the movie theater.

"Yeah...Thanks?" I said.

"No problem now I think you should catch them before they head onto the highway." Bryce said.

"Yeah I probably should." I said.

Bryce smiled and I ran off shouting at the guys to make them turn around. After catching up with them I turned them around and brought them to the movie theater.

We went in and watched the movie. After the movie we went for dinner. We found a small restaurant nearby.

We went inside and I saw Squirrel. He was standing at the door looking bored as hell.

"Welcome." He said in a bored tone.

"Be more happy your working!" I said.

"(Y/N)! It's you! Sorry today's been slow and so so boring." Squirrel said.

"(Y/N) you know this guy?" Ze asked.

"Yeah he's my cousin's friend." I said.

"Here let me get you seated." Squirrel said.

Squirrel lead us to our booth and sat us down. He got us menus and we started to chat while the guys went to the bathroom.


(Delirious's POV)

We found her and this time she's alone. We peaked through the window seeing her talking to the waiter.

They were talking and at some point laughing. I growled knowing she was flirting with this guy. Then I saw this guy's face it was Squirrel's.

"Yes we have an advantage." I said.

"How do you know babe?" Rose asked.

"That guy she's talking to is an old friend of mine. We can use him to our advantage." I said.

"Then you should go in to talk to him. I'm sure he'll love to see you again." Rose said.

I went inside while the guys and Rose sat outside. I went over to them to say hello.

"Hey Squirrel!" I said.

Squirrel turned around and looked at me. He looked confused probably since he hasn't seen his buddy in the while.


(Squirrel's POV)

I was confused and angry. What was this backstabber doing here.

"Delirious's what are you doing here?" I asked.

"What? I can't come and see me old friend?" He asked.

He looked at (Y/N) then without a word pulled the chair out from under her making her spill the drink she had.

"What that for?" I asked.

"She's a slut she deserves what she gets." He said.

I grabbed Delirious and pushed him away from (Y/N). I pointed to the door.

"Get. Out." I said.

"What Squirrel your kidding right?" He asked.

"Get the hell out. Your a backstabber to not only (Y/N) but everyone else in our group." I said.

"How the hell am I a backstabber. I just did what I needed to do." He said.

"Enough! Get out or I'm calling the police." I said.

"Squirrel... Fine I don't need you or the others either!" He said and left.

I helped (Y/N) but giving her some paper towels. I cleaned the mess off the floor and gave her a new drink.

"Thanks Squirrel." She said.

"No problem. I protect my friends." I said.

Her friends had watched the whole thing but didn't help because I was there first. I took their orders and got their food for them.

We talked since the place was closing for the night and not many people came in. Once they finished they left and I cleaned up after them.

I saw a tip on the table where (Y/N) sat. It was fifty dollar tip. I was surprised since that was often rare to find fifty dollars.

I smiled and sliped it into my pocket. I continued to clean the table and leave for the night.

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