Chapter 1

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(Y/N's POV)

I grabbed my bag out of the overhead container. I walked off the plane and into the airport. As I walked out I saw my parents being surrounded by people and security guards.

"What a surprise." I sarcastically said.

They walked out of the airport and of course, they left me behind. I pulled out my phone and got an Uber.

"Fucking bitches." I said.

While waiting for an Uber I texted my only friend.

"Hey." I texted.

"Sup." He said back.

"My parents left me at the airport. So now I'm waiting for an Uber. Please keep me company!!!" I said.

"Really they did?!? Why haven't you run away from them yet?" He said.

"Cause I can't survive that long in the world without them. They're the only ones that keep me alive." I said.

"You can live with me bitch!" He said.

"Bitch! You don't understand! I can't move in with you! I'm not an adult yet and my parents would flip off a bridge if I was missing." I said

"But you said they don't care about you." He said.

"Yes unless it involves doing something like that. They don't want their daughter running away and being more famous then them." I said.

"They don't want you to become my little bitch. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" He said.

"Your really starting to sound like a pervert." I said.

"Maybe I am." He said.

"Ew, fuck this pray for your soul cause that's the first thing I'll slap the shit out of you for." I said.

"God, please don't hurt me I'm just an innocent child." He said.

"Fuck you. Well my Uber is here and this is something I'm done talking about." I said.

"Aww, but we were getting a connection." He said.

I took a quick pic of me doing the middle finger to the camera. And I sent it to him.

"You could have taken it with your face showing." He said.

"Sorry bitch talk to you later." I said.

I placed my phone in my pocket and see my Uber pulling up. I jumped in it and told the driver my address.

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

Once at my house I got out and left. I think I paid him but I can't remember so if someone sends a Hitman or woman after me I won't be surprised. I walk up to the house. To be honest I haven't seen this house in full so everything feels really big.

 To be honest I haven't seen this house in full so everything feels really big

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"Wow," I said.

I wasn't surprised at the house at least we're back in our home state. When I was little and before all of this happened we used to live in California. I don't remember where we actually lived mostly because I was a dumb piece of shit. I sigh and walk up to the house. The gate closed behind me and I opened the door to the house. The place was huge probably bigger than the last house no surprise though.

"Oh (Y/N) there you are here." My mom said while handing me a few things. "Here's your keys and some money."

My mom walks away with her super annoying high heels clicking while she steps. I've started to hate high heels because of her. I sigh and walk up the stairs. My room is the first door on the right. I open the door and see how giant it is. The walls were painted a beautiful (F/C) with a hardwood floor. I also had a large bed, a giant bathroom, a walk-in closet, and a small patio that over looked the backyard and the city.

"Wow it's so big," I said sarcastically.

My boxes were already in my room. I place my bag on my bare bed. My bed had a wooden frame under it to make it stand up higher.

I take out my laptop and place it on my nightstand. I open it up and log in. I wrote down the Wi-Fi password since I knew my parents would forget it and not tell me. I learned that lesson last year. But this year is different. This is our permanent house mostly because this state is where all the famous people live. I slide my bag under my bed. I walked over to my boxes and started pulling out my stuff. First my bed sheets, pillows, and blankets.

My bed should be clean and free from dust. I start making my bed and jump on my bed get as comfortable as possible. This was the perfect bed not to hard and not to soft just like the baby bear's bed in that old children's book. The best part is the bed has so much space. I can roll around in the bed all night. From what I'm told I move a lot in my sleep.

"Well I better unpack the rest of my stuff." I said, while sitting up then getting off the bed.

I walk over to my boxes and start unpacking everything. This is gonna take me forever.

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