Chapter 19

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(Y/N's POV)

I texted Chilled my address as I walked through the doors of home. I went upstairs and got changed. I took my friends outside as soon as I was done.

"Where are we going?" Liz asked.

"You'll see." I said.

A minute later two cars pulled around the corner. They parked in front of the house and rolled down their windows.

"What's up loser?" Chilled said.

"Nothing much loser." I said.

"Come on we're going for a joy ride!" Scotty said.

"Hell yeah!" John said.

"Let's go boys!" Smiity said.

"Cool!" Liz said.

We got the in the cars and went on our joy ride. We just had fun speeding around and getting away with it.

Once we finished fooling around we sat got out of the cars and just relaxed.

"Man that was fun." I said.

"I knew you would like it." Chilled said.

"This reminds me of the old times. When we used to cause chaos like this at camp." Ze said.

"That's right. I forgot about camp. I only forgot because I haven't been to that old place in years." I said.

When we were all little out parents sent us to camp over the summers for fun. That's how we all met. I mean it wasn't just the four of us. There were a few others that we hung out with but I'm not sure where they're at.

"So what happened to everyone?" I asked.

"Well, we stayed in touch. Just did whatever and have fun with our own lifes." Chilled said.

"Yeah and I opened my own business here. It's a small restaurant with  karaoke. I have my girlfriend as the singer every night."  Ze said.

"That's cool we should head over there." I said.

"I guess we could." Scotty said.

"Alright let's go then." Ze said.

We drove to the restaurant. It was a small place not to far from the house. We went inside and saw it looked like a night club.

"Wow Ze this place is cool!" I said.

"Yeah it's really cool. We should stay for a while!" Liz said.

"Yeah!" I said.

Ze took us around into the back where we saw all his employees. They seemed chill.

A guy with blonde hair came running up to Ze.

"Hey uhh Steven. We have a problem." The guy said.

"What's wrong Sam?" Ze asked.

"Your girlfriend got sick a few minutes ago. She looked a little pale before but we didn't think she would actual get sick. Right now she's in your office laying down." The guy named Sam said.

"Well, she can miss one night right?" Ze asked.

"Not tonight. Tonight many of Canada's celebrities are coming. This is our only chance to impress them and help the business out." Sam said.

"Shit that's right." We mumbled.

"We've been looking for a singer all day but we haven't gotten one that could make it tonight." Sam said.

"Hey I have an idea." Chilled said.


(Evan's POV)

The guys and I were walking down the street to a restaurant Mini found.

"This place is gonna be awesome. I saw there's a karaoke stand. They have a someone sing karaoke every night." Mini said.

"That's good. Plus we don't have to worry about anything tonight." Delirious said.

"Hey who bets David is gonna get drunk tonight?" Brain said.

"Oh that's a yes from me captain." Mini said.

"I ain't gonna get drunk you fucks." David said.

"Ha! Fat chance. Last time you said that you almost lost your phone to some chick on the street because you were so drunk." Tyler said.

"Yeah, plus this time we're not carrying you home like last time." I said.

"Whatever man." David said.

We made it to the restaurant and went inside. We were given a table and just sat and chatted for a while.

A guy walking on stage with a microphone in his hand. He looked a bit nervous.

"Uh good evening everyone. So tonight is a special night because we have some famous celebrities in town." The man said.

Everyone clapped and turned to look at the celebrities. They waved to us then we turned our attention to the man on the stage.

"Unfortunately though my girlfriend got sick tonight and she can't sing." The man said.

The crowd gave a sympathetic aww. They must really like this singer.

"But don't worry. One of my close friends you may know him Anthony helped me out. We have gotten a new singer or singers I should say to keep this night rolling." The man said.

The crowd faces cheered up and seem excited.

"Ladies and gentlemen may I welcome John, Lucas, Liz, and (Y/N)!" The man said.

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