Chapter 16

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(Y/N's POV)

I cooked breakfast for everyone and we ate together. Since it was the weekend we decided to all just stay at my place and chill. We needed this after all.

"Hey we should play video games all day." Smiity said.

"Not a bad idea." John said.

"Yeah! That'd be super cool." Liz said.

My phone rang so I answered it. Next thing I knew I was doing was grabbing my coat and shoes. The others were confused until I told them I had to pick up someone. The others grabbed their coats and we went for a jog.

By jog I mean full out sprint down to Connor's house. I was the first to get to the house.  I was out of breath and it took me a while to catch it. Once I caught my breath I walked up to the door and knocked on it. Connor answered the door with a big smile on his face.

"(Y/N) is here!" He said.

I giggled and Mrs. Wine came over with Connor's bag.

"Thank you for babysitting him this early in the morning. I just got a call that my son is in jail. I can't believe him staying out at night then passing out in an old building. I gonna kill that kid." She said.

"Don't worry about it. I'll take good care of him." I said.

I took Connor's bag and we walked down the lawn. I saw the others slowly making their way to us being out of breath.

"I.. hate much.... (Y/N)." Smiity said.

"Whatever. Come let's walk home." I said.

Connor jumped on my shoulders and he road up their. We all walked home enjoying small talk between each other.

"Hey (Y/N)? Do you know what's up with Tyler? He's been acting really strange lately." Connor said.

"Not sure Connor. He's been strange at school too. I can't really answer that question. You should ask him what's up when he gets home." I said.

"Ok." Connor said.

We arrived at my place and Connor was ready to explore. I told him we'd only go into my room since my parents don't want to find any of their stuff broken.

I turned on the Xbox in my room and let Connor play Fortnite while my friends and I chatted.

"So this is Wildcat's younger brother?" Liz asked.

"Yup. He pretty cool actually. He likes a lot of games I like. Plus every now and then he'll spit out a secret about Wildcat to me." I said.

"Nice!" Smiity said.

"So what now? We have nothing to do. Plus the BBS is out there somewhere trying to find us." Liz said.

"Oh don't worry about them. Wildcat's mom said he got put in custody. Which probably means the others are too." I said.

"They got put in jail! Holy crap that's awesome." John said.

Connor got up from his spot he was sitting in and walked over to us.

"Hey (Y/N) can we go outside. I'm bored." Connor said.

"Uhh sure why not?" I said.

We got up and went outside. The air was nice and cool today. We walked down to the park and saw that it was empty.

"Man people don't want to be outside now a days." Connor said.

"I guess so. Hey wanna go sit on the swings?" I said.

"Yeah!" Connor said.

We walked over to the swings and sat down on them. I sat next to Connor while Liz sat on the over side of me. We filled up majority of the swings and just hovered over the ground.

It wasn't long before I saw a car pull up and stop in the parking lot. We just sat there waiting for anything to happen. And when it did it wasn't good.

I heard Connor yelp as someone grabbed him from behind. They ran off with him but I followed behind not too far behind. I caught up with them and tackled the person to the ground.

I punched the person until they did move. I checked their pulse just to make sure they were alive. They were alive so sighed in relief and got up off this person. I picked up Connor and ran back to the others.

We bolted out of the park and back to my house. Once inside we went up to my room and shut and locked the door.

"Nope nope nope nope nope. I'm not dealing with this today. Nope bye see ya." Liz said as she walk around my room then finally stopped in my closet and shut the door.

While the guys went to go see if Liz was ok I felt Connor was trembling in my arms. I set him down on my bed but he immediately wrapped his arms back around me in fear.

"It's ok Connor. You're ok. You're safe now so don't worry about it." I said.

Connor held on tight to me. He very slowly began to loosen his grip on me and go back to normal.

When I dropped Connor back at home. I told his mom about the incident. She was greatly thankful for me saving her son's life. She tried to offer me some money again but I refused and went back home to my friends.

I went to my room and looking through my old photos when I was kid.

"Hey! Who the fuck gave you that!" I said.

"Run!" Liz said.

"Get back here you mother fuckers!" I said as I chased them

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