Chapter 8

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(Y/N's POV)

Today was Monday. More like the devil's day. I hate school so much. I was sitting with John. Turns out he goes to this school just he decided to play hooky the first few days of school.

We're both in the lunchroom eating. John gave me a bag of chips from the vending machines. He had some money to spare me. We ate in silence waiting for next period to come.

"Hey (Y/N)?" John said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you free after school?" John asked.

"No. Why?" I said.

"I was just wondering. Liz and I are going to the park afterwards." John said.

"Oh ok. I got a job and it's everyday after school." I said.

I look from the corner of my eye and see Wildcat staring at me. This was super uncomfortable for me. Seeing how I have to babysit his little brother.

I now regret getting that job. I am so not ready to do this. Knowing Wildcat he probably won't hangout with his friends. He'll be watching me babysit.

The bell rang which meant time for class. I sigh and got up throwing away the bag. I walk to class my hands in my pockets as I feel the stare of Wildcat in my back.

"Why did they have to bully me?" I mumble to myself.

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Once the bell rang meaning classes for the day were over I bolted out of there. I got to my locker and grabbed my stuff. I managed to make it out the doors without getting caught by the BBS.

I jumped on my skateboard and went to find Connor's school. I skated for a mile and a half in one direction until I saw Connor waving to me as I neared the school.

I slowed down and got off my skateboard. Connor came running up to me and hugged my legs.

"You're here! And you have a skateboard! This is probably the best day ever!" Connor said.

"You wanna ride with me?" I asked.

"Can I?!" Connor asked excitedly.

I took my helmet off and placed it on Connor's head. I tightened it so that it secure on his head. I put Connor on my back and we skated off.

Connor was excited and happy that I was allowing him to do this. I was just happy he was happy. Once we reached his house I put him down and took my helmet off of him.

"You have your key right?" I asked.

"Yup!" He said.

Connor got his key out and unlocked the door. We went inside and I was surprised on the inside of the house. The house looked really small on the outside but it was pretty big on the inside.

"I'm gonna go play video games!" Connor said.

I grabbed him before he could go anywhere.

"Not so fast little gamer. I promised your mom that I would help you get your homework done. The sooner your homework is done the sooner you can play video games." I asked.

Connor groaned and walked into the kitchen with me. He placed his bag down and got started on his homework. I helped him when he needed it like when he got stuck. The only thing that gave him the most trouble was math. Luckily for him not so lucky for me I knew a lot in math.

"Wow you're really good in math. My brother tries to help me at times but he's not good at it either." Connor said.

"Hmm. Well, math isn't always the easiest thing for people to understand. I guess for me it's easier cause my parents run their own business. They have a lot of math to work on so I guess I learned it from them." I said.

"Cool they must be millionaires!" He said.

"Uhh I wouldn't say millionaires. More like trillionarires." I said mumbling the last part to myself.

"So can I play games now?" Connor asked.

"Sure I'll play with you!" I said.

"Awesome!" Connor said.

Today I brought my laptop. I had a feeling he would want me to play with him. Or more like I can teach this kid some tricks.

"So what about some Fornite?" I asked.

"Yes! Give me your username so I can friend you!" He said.

I gave him my username even though it probably shouldn't be in the presence of this young of a kid. But hey we have two year olds saying fuck so who cares?

We played duos and had fun. Even though we did died 80% of the time. I had fun and so did this Connor. It kept him occupied and he wasn't running around. We played until Mrs. Wine walked through the door.

She was happy I was having fun with him. A bit later  Wildcat walked through the door. We were still in the middle of a session so we continued just for fun.

"Come revive me!!!" Connor said.

"Listen I'm moving as fast as possible. If you did go to the other side of the mountain like I told you this wouldn't have happened!" I said.

"The storm was coming." He said.

"Whatever!" I said.

As I received him I saw their was only one person left. I got my grenade launcher and lit up the place.

"Where he at Connor?" I asked.

"I don't know!" He said.

After a long search we found him. I smirked and built so I was high off the ground.

"Hey Connor watch this." I said.

I took out my sniper and jumped. I did a 360 and I nailed the guy right in his head right before I touched the ground.

"Oh my God that worked!" I said.

"How did you do that?!" Connor asked.

"I don't know!" I said.

We freaked out for a bit before calming down.

"Aww man. That was awesome. Welp that's now my 5,184 Victory Royal. Anyways I better get home. I still got homework. Ugh. Bye Mrs. Wine, Connor, Wil- I mean Tyler." I said and smirk when I said Wildcat's real name.

I giggled a bit seeing his pissed expression on his face. I packed up my stuff and left. I skated home and got started on my homework.

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