Chapter 25

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(Y/N's POV)

Scotty got my parents here and I talked with them in private without the principal. While they we're talking I pulled out my phone and started blocking numbers, unfriending and unfollowing accounts, and deleting the numbers of my former friends.

All that was left on my contacts were Scotty's number, Chilled and Ze's numbers, and my cousin's number. I took in a nervous breath and pressed the call button to my cousin's number.

I placed the phone up to my ear. The phone rang and rang and rang. But no answer. I sighed and decided to leave a voicemail because why not? I needed him to help me right now.

"Hey cousin it's me (Y/N). Look you remember when we were little like ten years or something. You said if I needed anything you would help me. Well, I really need you right now. I know it's been a few years since we talked but I really need you right now. Call me back when you get this message. Bye." I said.

I sighed and looked at my parents as they got up. Scotty told me to go home and sleep this off.  He told me he would text me the details later. I grabbed my stuff as soon as four period was started.

I put my blueprints on the inside of my locker and closed it. I then went  home with my parents.

I went inside while they went back to work. I went up to my room and cried for a few hours on my bed. I couldn't help it. When I felt like I was ready to fall asleep my phone rang.

I could only imagine who it was. I grabbed my phone and answered instantly.

"Hello?" I asked.

"(Y/N) is this you?" He asked.

"Yes it's me Bryce. Thank you so much for calling me. I really really need your help right now." I said.

"Sounds like it. What happened you sound like you've been crying." Bryce said.

"I had a issue come up and things went down. All that I'm saying is help me out right now. I just need someone to comfort me." I said.

"Alright I'll be there as soon as possible! What state do you live in? What's your address I'll be there in an instant." Bryce said.

I told him everything he needed to know. He told me he would be here before I knew it. Then he hung up I placed my phone down on the bedside table.

I drifted off to sleep. By the time I woke up it was 2 am. Of course I couldn't fall back asleep so I opened my laptop. I was about to open up Rainbow Six Siege but I didn't. This game was one of Smiity and I's favorites.

I decided not to play it. I went through the lists of games I had and saw 'our' favorite games. My heart broke everytime I saw those games. I finally came across a game 'he' never played with me.

The game was called ShockShell. Chilled showed it to me while I was vacation in Canada.

I opened the game and started to play it. I kinda liked it. I continued to play it for the rest of the morning until it was time to get ready for school.

I wasn't looking forward to this. That is until Scotty texted me. He told me that he got my friend group suspended. I was surprised he did that for me.

I went to school as a new person. I was blank. No personality, no emotions, just empty. And nothing now change me. Everyone will misunderstand what I'll do.

As the day went on I felt different in a bad way. My life was really going to still keep going.

At the end of the day I grabbed my stuff and skated home. As I skated home a sharp pain run through my back.

I fell off my skateboard and on my face. My nose bled and my cheeks stung. I got up and looked to see them.

John picked up my skateboard and gave it to Brian. Brian took it and broke it over his knee. I gave them a look of anger as it broke.

So that's how it's gonna be huh? You really got to beat me down like this. Next will be my pride won't it?

I tried to get up but Tyler kicked me back down. I didn't fight them even though I really wanted to.

"Tell us who this boyfriend of your's is and we'll stop this." Evan said.

"I don't have one." I said.

"Liar." Smiity said.

I got up and dodged Tyler this time. I pusher him into them and grabbed my broke skateboard.

"Your gonna regret this one day." I mumbled to myself.

"What was that?" Evan said.

"None of your fucking business." I said.

"And why's that?" He said.

"Because we're not friends anymore." I said.

I watched as some of them actually got surprised at that. Liz was the most surprised out of all them.

"Oh yeah Delirious. Just to let you know I always hated you the most." I said.

I saw his eyes through his mask widen a bit. I walked away from them and went home.

I ain't going down without a fight but today's probably the only day that'll happen.

I felt the sadness and regret build up inside me again as if I wanted to cry another fucking 10 hours.

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