Chapter 17

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(Y/N's POV)

The BBS has been acting strange these last few days. I'm not sure why but they haven't bothered me or my friends as much. Since winter vacation is coming up at the end of this week we all made plans.

"(Y/N) sweetie. Can I talk to you for a minute." Mom said.

"Uhh sure." I said.

"So you know how we were planning on going to the shore for winter break? We aren't going anymore. Instead we're going to Canada for break. It's a great experience and you'll be with us when we go for our meeting there." My mom said.

"Wait what?" I said.

"Also you can invite your friends to go with you. You'll be pretty lonely up there so we thought it be a wonderful idea. Just pack some formal clothes because you are coming with us to the meeting." My mom said.

While I was still trying to process what she said handed me an envelope.

"These are the plane tickets. Don't forget we're going on a private plane. So there will be WiFi this time. Plus excellent food." My mom said.

She walked away and I just was blown away.

"What?!?" I said.


Welp here we are. My friends and I are in Canada. We stood in the airport looking around.

"Wow..." Liz said.

"Yup." I said.

We grabbed our bags and walked through the crowd.

"Hey (Y/N) where are your parents at?" John asked.

"They're most likely taking pictures." Smiity said.

"Probably, now come on." I said.

We walked out of the airport and grabbed a taxi. I gave the guy our address and we went on. Once we arrived at the house I paid him and we went on our merry way.

"Here's the house." I said.

The normal looking house surrounded by a metal gate was all you saw.

"Nice let's go inside." Smiity said.

We went inside taking off our boots and up to our room. Apparently there isn't enough room in this house for another bedroom so we have to share our room. I mean this house wasn't that big so I could see why.

"Alright folks put your stuff on your bed and get ready to relax

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"Alright folks put your stuff on your bed and get ready to relax." I said.

"Woah! Relaxation time baby!" John said.

We all put our stuff down on our beds. Liz and John put there stuff on the two beds on the lefts side of the room. Liz got the top bunk while John took the bottom bunk. Smiity took the top bunk on the right side and I took the middle to myself. I decided to sleep on the top bunk.

We just sat around and played on our laptops.

"(Y/N)!! Get your dress on! We have to go to the meeting now!" Mom said.

"Shit." I said.

I went over to my bag and took out my dress. It was a black dress with red and white flowers.

 It was a black dress with red and white flowers

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I went into the bathroom next door and changed. I dropped off my clothes on my bed and grabbed the light pink heels I brought.

"You look hot in that dress." Smiity said.

I threw the shoes I was just wearing at him. He knocked his head against the wooden frame of the bunk bed.

"Bitch." He mumbled.

"Same to you." I said.

I walked over to the door and took in a deep breath.

"Have fun while I'm gone and please don't do anything stupid." I said.

"Can't promise anything." John said.

I walked downstairs and went outside. I got in the car and sat quietly on my phone. I did my hair so it actually looked nice.

When we arrived at the building and got out of the car and I followed my parents. This was not something I was looking forward to. We walked over to the elevator and went up a few floors.

Once we got off we walked down the halls to a meeting room. My dad opened the door and held it for us. We walked in to see three others in the room.

(???'s POV)

"Ah the (L/N) have arrived. And I see you brought your daughter I wasn't expecting that." Dad said.

"Ah Mr. Fong. I thought you said you'd said you'd be here late." The tall older male said.

"I did but we managed to get out traffic while coming here." Dad said.

"That's great we can start the meeting now." The older looking female said.

"That's good but the kids can go off to the lounge. We have matters in this meeting that they shouldn't really hear." Mom said.

"Fine be me." The male said.

The older female looked ticked off.

"Son could you be a gentleman and lead this young lady to lounge area. She can meet your friends there. We'll call you back when we're finished." Dad said.

"Uhh sure." I said.

Her head jolted up in an instant and her eyes widened. Was it something I said? No one seemed to notice her actions but me.

I walked up to her and she smiled at me but looked pretty nervous.

"Be nice introduce yourself." The female said as she nudged her shoulder.

"U-uh, hello my name is (Y/N)." She said.

Her voice it was (Y/N)'s that little whore. I shook her hand then led her to the hallway.

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