Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

"I've got breakfast!" She practically yells. I though Dani was bad. I stand corrected.

"Thank you."

After eating, we leave and head to the mall. At a stoplight, we encounter two scrawny boys who are wolf-whistling at Mary. The blonde closest to her decides to make a move.

"You're so beautiful" he says to her and I'm about to gag. Like she obviously has a wedding ring on! She just smiles and stares straight ahead.

"Leave her alone, she's obviously married" I scold. He just snickers at me.

"Shut up you pregnant bitch, no one was talking to you!" And I lost it.

Ignoring the green light, I reach over Mary and start smacking his zit-faced ass while maintaining a firm grip on his shirt so he can't pull away. He's gonna learn to watch his mouth today.

"Didn't. I. Say. Leave. Her. Alone?!" I say between smacks.

"Audra stop, you can't lay like that!" Mary says trying to pull me back but I struggle and ignore her still smacking the shit out of the boy. His friend in the driver's seat is in shock and looks absolutely petrified. The honking coming from behind us breaks me out of my fit of anger and I retreat then Mary drives off like nothing happened.

"You're a different breed of crazy!" She says between laughs.

"Hormones" is my only reply.

The day has already started off eventful.


Danté's POV

Today is going to be an eventful day...I'm going to propose to Audra.

Everyone already knows except her and I'm excited. I've been planning this day for weeks. I'm taking her the museum I used to visit as a child when I had my eyesight. It holds so many great memories and I want her and eventually our boys to experience the wonder of European art. The mystique behind it can't be found anywhere else.

It's been about three months since that finally incident happened and Audra gave me a chance. I didn't think I could fall in love with her anymore than I did but I was wrong. I feel her stomach getting bigger and more than anything I want to hold my boys. Hear their cries, get into the groove of changing their diapers, and when the times is right finally make love to Audra. And of course marry her. But I'm in a pretty aroused mood right now so all I'm thinking about is loving Audra.

I've never felt or tasted her naked flesh and I want to so badly. I want to fill her with my seed, feel her velvet walls around me, hear her moans in my ear as I pleasure her. I want her to have my babies and be the one next to me every night.

You know what? I NEED her. Even though I've been an ass to her at times, I've always been drawn to her. She has the enticing nature about her and I'm hooked. I don't think I can take being without her in life.

That what makes me so nervous about tonight. Even though I feel the time is right, anything can happen and it's frightening. But I'm trying not to think about the negative.

Mary took Audra out to get the rest of the baby supplies and I'm waiting for my custom suit to be delivered since Audra's dress came yesterday and is with Mary. I just wish I could see it on her.

I love her so much it's scary at times but I will never leave her side.


"If only you could see how good you look man" Alex says after helping me with my tie. He helped be pick a classic black and white suit with a blue-green tie. Audra's dress matches my tie, Mary made sure.

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