Chapter Twenty-Four

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Audra's POV

"Oooh your babies are growing so fast!" The fuck did she just say?! I turn to the ultrasound tech who's smiling broadly at me.

"Babies?!" She better be joking.

"Of course babies! There's two little ones in your belly!" The middle aged blonde seems so happy it's hurting my head. She's not the one having to push two heads out, I am.

"And they're healthy?"

"Yeah. You were pretty small for someone carrying twins, but from the two weeks you've been here, you've gained fifteen pounds." I'm in shock as she breaks the news to me.

"Well that's good I guess." Out of the corner of my eye I see Danté smiling and reclining comfortably. Too bad he can't see the scowl directed towards him.

"It's more than good! Here's some washcloths to wash yourself as I gather your discharge papers. Your family called to say they'll be here to get you and Mr. Lombardi shortly."

I nod and thank her.

"There's gonna be two little Audras running around!" Danté breaks the silence with his excited tone.


"Why aren't you happy? I hate knowing you're sad." I hear concern in his voice and I feel a pang of guilt for my feelings.

"It's just that I'm still recovering emotionally from the incident. Being in the hospital for nearly two weeks has been difficult. I just want to go home and see my nephews, nieces and siblings." He lets out a sigh.

"I understand completely. Your nieces and nephews are hilarious, especially Micah. He is so bossy and it's like he's some kind is ringleader." Danté and I laugh.

Micah has always been a handful and demanding. But that's just him.

"He's always been like that. Thank you for being with me this whole time, it means so much to me."

His smile brightens up the room.

"Did you think I'd go home and leave you by yourself? Don't be absurd" Danté has a point: I knew deep down he wouldn't leave me like this.

"I know you wouldn't" he doesn't replies and I locate clean clothing Marc has brought me. Not even bothering to go to the bathroom, I change right in front of Danté. He can't see anyway.

"AUDRAAAAAAAA!" Right as I pull on my sweatpants my sister Karmen runs up to me and hugs me tightly. "Look at your belly! You're putting on weight and you look so much better!" I smile and hug her even tighter.

"TÉ!" Karmen runs to Danté and practically pulls him out of the chair just to hug. He doesn't seem to mind though. "You really need to rest when we get home!"

"Sweetheart calm down!" Marc says from the doorway. Why is he calling my sister sweetheart?

"Marc and I are getting to know each other with the hopes of starting a relationship." Karmen fills me in after seeing the confusion on my face.

I'm happy for her!

The ultrasound tech walks in and hands me a bag of medication, my discharge papers, and the ultrasound.

"Ooh let me see!" Karmen and Marc say at almost the same time. When the look at it their jaws drop.

"MY GOODNESS! TWINS! YOU'RE HAVING TWINS!" Marc yells. I swear these two cannot be quiet. I know that they're excited, but you don't have to disrupt this whole hospital wing. Not that he'd care-he invested in this hospital when it was first built. That's whole reason I had to stay here so long; he insisted on it for my "optimal recovery". My ass is a nurse I know I didn't need to stay this long!

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