Chapter Nineteen

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Audra's POV

As the months have gone by, life has been nothing but wonderful. My belly is showing and my work at the hospital has been great. The administrators even planted memorial trees in honor of Leo. There's not a day that goes by where I don't miss him, but I know that he's in heaven smiling and protecting my baby.

Mom and Dad have been so supportive as well as Alex and Dani being such great people. But most importantly, Danté has been proving himself to me. He's been spending most of his down time with me. His writing is in great demand too so everything seems to be weeding itself out.

I went for my OB/GYN appointment and made it clear I didn't want to know the sex of the baby. I just want to know that it's healthy. That's my main concern.

Laying on my bed with a steaming cup of tea, I think back to life in the States and the family that I lost contact with and left behind. I miss them. I'll have to Facebook them or something since I'm about 5 1/2 months pregnant and want then here for the birth.

Another thought pops into my head. What about Antonio? He left without a trace and the law enforcement has yet to contact me. I'm going to call them now. I dial the non-emergency number.

"Tuscany Law Enforcement, how may I direct your call?" A pleasant female voice asks.

"Hi I was wondering if I could talk to someone about a current homicide and kidnapping case." I hear a gasp on the other line. Poor lady.

"Uh yes, what is your name Miss?"

"Audra Jones"

"I will direct your call to one of our homicide detectives Ms. Jones. Good luck with everything and have a nice day."

"Thanks and you also" She transfers me over and a gruff male answers.

"Tuscany Homcide"

"I'm calling to check the status of an open murder and kidnapping investigation."

"Your name?"

"Audra Jones"

"Name of the deceased and kidnapped?"

"The deceased is Leonardo De Zotto, the kidnapped is Danté Lombardi"

"One moment while I pull up the records" My heart is pounding. I want answers so badly.

"Ms. Jones, I'm sorry but there are no leads in this investigation. Because of the circumstances surrounding the crime, we will not declare this a cold case." That was my worst fear. Uneasiness settles over me.


"We are trying the best we can I assure you. If there are any updates, you and Mr. Lombardi will be the first to know."

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

"You're welcome. Have a good day."

"You too. Bye" I hang up and try to process everything. How could they not find Antonio? He probably went back to Miami knowing him.

Pushing the thoughts aside, I get ready for work. Danté left out this morning saying he had to take care of business. He's hired a personal driver named Vladimir to take him. What's a Russian doing in Italy? I have no clue, but he seems pleasant enough. I eat an apple and drive off.


My hospital shift was easy enough, nothing intense, just making rounds.

When I finally get home, I see an envelope on my kitchen table.

'To my sweet' it's labeled. I open it up and read the note. Danté has beautiful handwriting.

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