Chapter Three

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"I apologize bella, I didn't see you." All I can do is gaze into his icy blue eyes with swirls of green. I frown slightly.

What does he mean "I didn't see you?!"

Sensing my confusion, he says "I'm blind." The mystery hunk's tone was clipped and curt. But in some peculiar way, I liked it.

He was so beautiful that I paid no mind to his tone of voice.

But then again, I'm not one to judge.

Smiling like an idiot, I say "Care to sit with me?" I feel goofy smiling so much, but he can't see it anyway. Flashing a bright dazzling smile that could blind me, he takes slow steps and sits in the chair across from me.

My goodness, he's gorgeous!

Just then the waitress comes back with my shrimp scampi. "It's on the house. The chef says you're beautiful with your brown skin. Plus your, um, Afro I think it's called is so exotic! Does it grow out that curly?" Smiling at her enthusiasm, I nod.

"Thank you, that's so kind." She gives me her mega-watt smile and then glances at mystery man.

Turning to him as he sits across from me, she says "Hey Danté, the usual?" Still smiling, he nods and once again the waitress is off. So his name is Danté, interesting.

Taking a gulp of my wine, I say to Danté, "Tell me about yourself." He gives a slight smirk and my ears are serenaded by his thick accent and baritone voice.

"Well my name is Danté Lombardi, I'm 28, and am a writer. I don't have any relatives." Sensing him withholding something important, I ask him "Why?" He sucks in a deep breath and roars "My family was killed in a house fire when I was 19..."

His sentence broke off in a deep sigh while a deep frown was the only imperfection on his beautiful face, it mirrored all the pain he must still be feeling. Wanting to comfort him, I caress his hand and whisper, "I'm so sorry." At that very moment, the atmosphere between us shifts drastically.

It's like a ballon being filled with too much air and is about to burst. Raising an eyebrow he snaps, "I do not need some woman's pity! I am fine by myself! Stupid woman!"

I pulled my hand off of his like it was ablaze. How could he be so rude? I was just trying to help!

Antonio's voice roars in my head, 'Danté is blind and still sees how ugly you are!'

Suddenly losing my appetite and attraction to this "Danté" fellow, I decided that just because I lost a potential friend, doesn't ran I should lose my dignity too.

Abandoning my etiquette, gulped the rest of my wine and stood up infuriated. You would have sworn I was seeing red as I stared down at him.

Coldly I say, "I wasn't giving you my pity, but you sure as hell can be alone because you now have the table to yourself. Have a nice life."

Curious onlookers stare at us but I glare in their direction and the eye contact is adverted away from me.

I notice a slightly shocked expression on his face, but I walk pass the waitress, thank her, and head outside.

I need the fresh air, and I'd like to see some more scenery.

Holding my head high, that's exactly what I do as I walk home, leaving Danté's pathetic ass and the discomfort I felt behind me.

~Thanks for reading this chapter, please let me know what you think!

Color BlindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora