Chapter Fourteen

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Dante's POV

A bright light surrounds me. As I walk through green grass and past rose bushes and lilies, I arrive at an altar. A large man is standing in the center but he's nothing but light. I can see! But what is more shocking is that my dead family is standing next to him with open arms.

Moving my legs as fast as they will carry me I run into my mother, Isabel's arms. My father Anthony and my twin brother and sister Donatello and Nolla wait for me to hug them also.

As I spend time with them and the mystery man, my heart swells with love. I've missed them so much! Nolla holds her tiny hands in mine and whispers in my ear.

"Té, we love and miss you so much, but it's not your time to go yet" What does she mean? Before I can become wrapped in my thoughts she continues.

"The world that you knew will forever more be different but you aren't alone. Whenever you are lonely, call on is and we'll be right there with you. I love you bubby." I feel my tears fall. My siblings were only five when they burned to death. I feel slightly larger hands on my shoulders. It's Donatello.

"Don't cry for us, we're alright. You cannot live in pity and sadness for the rest of your life, you have to move on. We love you so much!" For someone so young he has such wide words.

My father Anthony comes and dusts in front of me. His dark eyes are just how I remembered them. So warm and pleasant looking. Even those slight freckles on his nose are still there. In his hand he holds a mirror.

"Son, look at yourself in the mirror. What do you see?" Using my sight for the first time since the fire, I'm appalled at what I see. My skin is dry and aged looking, my eyes dull and lackluster, my features full of sadness. Is this how I've always looked?

Expecting to see my dad look at me with disappointment, he instead pulls me into a hug.

"I'm proud of you son. I've always been proud. You have to let people into your life. I was angry and butter before I met your mother and now even trough death we haven't parted. I love her completely and will for all eternity." I don't know what to say to that so I remain quiet and hug my father tighter.

Lastly, my mother comes to me and holds me like she did when I was a child. She hums the melody that always calmed me down when I was afraid or angry. I feel warm and loved. I never want to leave.

"My son, you are my miracle baby. I never thought that if be able to conceive children and then we had you. You've brought us nothing but joy and pride my dear. Remember when you used to pray for us to have a little brother and sister? God gave us Don and Nolla because of you. We're never far away my dear. I've been watching you and that lovely woman has a broken heart like you. Why did you up and leave her?" Does she mean Audra?

"Yes Té, I mean Audra. She is the key to your future. Choose your actions wisely or she will be gone just as easily." I don't reply, I just sit with my family like I used to. The large man who has been sitting above us speaks to me.

"Danté, you are a wonderful man and because of your prayers, your parents were able to conceive Donatello and Nolla. But it isn't your time to leave yet so I must send you back. Please say goodbye to your family and you'll be on your way. Oh! Your family and I lie you unconditionally..." I stand up and hug all of my family tightly. So this is what heaven is like?

As I start to leave with the large man, my family calls out to me simultaneously, "Walk by faith and not by sight. We love you!" As suddenly as our walk began, it ended...

My body is sticky and damp. What the hell? As I open my eyes, the memory of the horrific incident I was in floods my mind. I can't move, my head is pounding, and I don't know where I am. I try to move my arms and legs only to hear an eardrum-busting alarm go off and nurses and doctored above me.

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