Chapter Six

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I feel her presence. Walking to Daniella's cottage, my senses were greeted my a familiar honeysuckle scent. Ah, mystery woman is close. But where? I followed the scent but stopped when I felt someone's lawn. It must be hers, she lives so close to Daniella! I hear blinds close from the direction of the aroma and I freeze. Damn, she probably already saw me. Well I might as well keep moving.

Approaching Daniella's door (I call her Dani), it swings open and she pulls me inside. Her excited energy is bouncing off the walls. She's so energetic!

I sit on her sofa and she yells, "Why in the fuck did you call her a stupid woman? You hurt her feelings you stupid dick!" I guess her excited energy was actually anger, but with Dani, you can never tell. Knowing I couldn't argue and I wasn't justified, I simply shrugged my shoulders and put my head down. My heart lurched at the fact mystery woman was hurt by me. She sure as hell didn't show it. I had to make this right. Finally making eye contact with Dani, I ask her to tell me all about her.

Retelling all of mystery woman's information, something inside of me sparked. I didn't need anyone's description of her, I had my own vision her. She's absolutely beautiful and from what I hear, smart too. I'm so overwhelmed by the thought of her, the urge to beg for forgiveness, the need to love her, the desire to have her moaning my name. But I feel like a complete ass for being mean. I get upset when I feel like I'm getting people's pity. She was just trying to soothe me.

Reclining of Dani's sofa, I take off my shirt and shoes and fall into a sleep consumed by the memories of Audra- and the ideas that will come to life in the near future. Sweet dreams, my tigerlily. I am thinking of you...

~How are you guys? :) I know I leave Danté's POV with cliffhangers, but bear with me! It'll pick up soon!! I have another question for you: What's your favorite musician? I have so many, but I have an obsession with Toronto-born Esthero. Check her out!
Thanks for the support and love guys(:

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