Chapter Four

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I would like to thank lovehasnocolor for the support and encouragement!(: So I'm going to update quite a bit more. Thanks!


I'm still sitting at this table sulking. That mystery woman left for no reason! Wait, she had a reason I guess. I did get upset, I get that. But her reaction was so different from all of the other women I've met.

Italian women don't seem to care about a man's attitude, they just shrug it off. She, on the other hand is different. I know she's African-American, from her accent and what the waitress had told her. But I was so intrigued.

Was she here on vacation? Business? I didn't even get her name! How could I be so fucking stupid?! I should've known that she wouldn't tolerate disrespect like that.

I reached out to grasp the bottle of wine and drank it without a glass. No one would be drinking it anyway. So wrapped up in my thoughts, I didn't hear Daniella, the waitress calling my name.

"DANTÉ," she damn near yelled. "What?!" I replied, my laced with frustration and aggression. I couldn't see her face, but I bet she's frowning at me. Whatever, I don't care. "What do you want?" Sensing her irritation and impending rage, I took a deep breath and hear her put my plate in front of me. Directly after, I heard her footsteps fade away, even before I had a chance to thank her. Pfff, women.

Eating my Alfredo in silence, my thoughts practically raced back to the brown-skinned woman that had left me. I try to visualize her.

Hmmmm. She has to be curvaceous and soft, because her shoulder and arm felt fleshy, warm and soft. She had a confident and strong voice and I could tell she's educated.

Think Danté, think! What else? I have to find her. She may be the one the I've been searching for.

It's ironic, because I'm not even sure what I want.

Also, Daniella will be helping me. She's a long time friend and she owes me whether she likes it or not.

Once I find you, you'll be mine.

I'll beg if I have to, mystery woman, you will not slip through my fingers. My goddess, I will find you...

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