Chapter Five

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Finally reaching my house, I strip out of my dress and into my oversize college t-shirt while I preparing myself some black tea.

Being it only my third day here in Tuscany, I didn't know anyone and I was fine with that. For now. I just hope I make friends here soon, because life gets lonely quite quickly.

Sitting near a wide window in the lounging area, I stare out at the sunset that is fading quickly into an ocean of darkness and crystal constellations.

The stars seem to swim into the skyline abyss and I hear not a soul near the cottages. Everyone must be out, I think. Feeling lonely quite suddenly, I begin to hum Esthero's "Fastlane." The silence in the air is annihilated by my alto voice.

'Strong as earthquake, bright as a shining star. I remember the fragrance, I just couldn't believe I'd gone so far. Loving the fastlane, as my sanity quickly passed me by; yeah I left it all behind.' I sang until my throat felt dry and I had no more emotion oozing from my soul. Yes, I'm still lonely, but I don't feel like exploding.

Staring into the night, I'm startled by loud knocking at the front door. Who in the hell is that? I don't know anybody in this damn country let alone Tuscany.

Opening the door highly frustrated with continuous knocking, I was prepared to curse someone out. But confusion settled in when I flung the door outward only to see the waitress from earlier.

Daniella, yeah, that's her name. "Hey! I didn't know you lived next door to me!" She's talking so loudly I wonder if she's half-deaf or something. But instead of being rude, I just shrug. "I didn't know either. Your name is Daniella right?" I am trying so hard to keep a straight face!

All I wanna do is laugh at her goofy smile as she replies, "Yesssss! I didn't get your name..." Raising her eyebrows expectantly, I feel my melancholy mood coast away. Giving her a toothy grin, I manage "Audra Jones."

Just when I thought she couldn't get anymore excited, she squeals. If she's not half-deaf, I will be soon if she keeps this up.

Inviting her inside, we sit near the widow drinking tea and talking like we've known each other a lifetime and then some. She's 19 (just like me), has always lived in Tuscany and was raised in an orphanage. Her story was quite sad, but she refused to let me feel pity or cry. I admired her optimism. After hours of her company, she brought up a subject that left me slightly uncomfortable.

"What happened between you and Danté today? After you left, all he did was drink your wine and sulk like an idiot." I was instantly curious. He was a complete ass and then he goes off and sulks when I'm gone. Does that mean he cares? Ugh, Audra pull yourself together. The last thing you need is a pompous ass trying to work his way into your panties.

I snapped back to reality when Daniella waves her hands in my face. "Uh, he, um got mean when I showed sympathy for him. He told me about his parents and the fire and all I did was rest my hand on his. Then he called me a stupid woman. So I left." Daniella listened intently then had this unreadable expression on her face. Her face was really red though.

Letting out a deep yawn, she said that she'll see me tomorrow and I'll have breakfast at her cottage. "You have a lovely voice, goodnight!" Waving and smiling I shut the door behind her, quickly shower, and climb into my bed. My signature honeysuckle scent saturates

the sheets.

Getting up to close the curtains, I could've sworn I saw a man down the lane looking at me. But when I looked again, no one was there. I pushed the occurrence out of my head and fell into a deep slumber.

~Hey my lovely readers! I want to thank everyone for the kind words and encouraging me to keep writing. Without you guys I'm pretty sure I would've quit this story. So I have a question for you y'all: What's your favorite feature on a man/woman/both? I like nice eyes and big hands ;) Hahaha.


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