Chapter Twenty-Three

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Danté's POV

"It's about time you called" the voice says menacingly and judging by the unmistakable accent, it's Vlad.

"I just received the note a half hour ago. I've been waiting for some kind of contact information."

"Those fucking idiots! They were supposed to have dropped that note off hours ago! But anyway, do you have the money?"

"Yes. All five million you'll give me back Audra right?"

"I'm a man of my word so I will return your wench then we can all continue on with our lives"

"Fine. Where am I supposed come to?"

The car is dead silent as all three of us listen to the location.

"636 Burberry Court. You'll drive down a long winding path and it's the only house. Bring the money and knock then I'll count the money and give you back Audra. If you bring law enforcement or anyone else, I won't hesitate to make you, Audra, and anyone else look like Swiss cheese"

He's fucking crazy.

"Well I have an old friend driving me. She's black but she'll stay in the car okay?"

"Yeah. That bitch better not try anything!"

"She won't. We're starting to drive now"

"I'll be waiting"

The line goes dead.

Alex begins to talk on his phone but I'm processing everything so I don't really pay attention.

He speaks directly to me.

"Alright Té, here's the plan: the address Vlad gave you is the one we traced him to so we're good on that part. Here shortly I'll get in the back seat and EsDena will drive. She'll stop close to tall grass since the residence is an abandoned vineyard. You'll get out but pretend to struggle with the door then I'll slide out. You go in and get Audra and try to get out as quickly as possible because I'm putting bullets in those fuckers. Everyone else will be scattered throughout and ready to attack"

"I can do that. EsDena, are you ok with that?"

"Of course! You don't mess with my sister because I will kill you!"

There's a bit of silence until Alex pulls over and instructs EsDena to start driving. She comments on how the other cars are taking different routes and will be there before us.

Driving for what seems an eternity, Alex announces that we're five minutes away. I begin to pray like a madman for Audra's well being. We have medical supplies in the back to tend to her the best we can.

The car comes to a stop and my heart thuds like an 808 drum. I take deep breaths like I might never breathe again. And that might be the truth.

"Ready?" Alex questions me.

"As I'll ever be."

Alex reminds me, "Get in, get out. If you're there for more than five minutes, I'm coming in no matter what. I'll be looking for anything suspicious just in case I need to come in sooner. So let's get started."

I hug Alex and EsDena then open the door. We say our goodbyes knowing this could be the last ones we have.

Opening and struggling with the door, Alex ducks out of the car and taps my lower leg signaling he's out. I close the door, briefcase in hand, and walk straight like Alex told me to.

Knocking on the door, I'm pulled inside only to be met with the voices of Bella and Vlad.

"Here's the money." I hand the briefcase over.

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