Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Audra's POV

I am so thankful for my family and friends. If I didn't have them, I'm sure I'd be bald right now. Lenzo and Damien are quite the handfuls and recovery after birth isn't exactly a walk in the park. But I'm still thankful for all that I have. Vince and Mary are helping with the last minute preparations for the next major event in our lives:

Today is Danté's surgery.

Last night Té and I laid in bed and talked about everything he plans to do when he gets his eyesight back. Of course he said he wanted to hold and play with the babies. My heart swelled at his words.

After the surgery it'll be a week or so until he can have the bandaging removed to assess his sight. The damage to his eyes were severe, but his optic never wasn't damaged which would've prevented him from getting this procedure.

I can't wait to witness him seeing life again, his icy blue eyes seeing his children and me for the first time. It's like icing on an already delicious cake.

The house is silent for once and I savor the time. Lenzo and Damien are sleeping next to Té. And surprisingly, they've slept the whole night and them some. It has never happened before in their whole two months. But boy am I thankful!

I drink my tea like a do every morning and say a prayer for Té. I'm confident everything will work out just fine. I glance at the clock and see it's about time for me to get Té and the babies up...and the waterworks. All three of them hate waking up.

After washing up and dressing the babies, I call Mary to let her know I'm dropping off the kids soon. Té is dressed in some sweatpants and a pullover shirt. He seems relatively calm on the outside but I can tell he's worried by the subtle wrinkle lines in his face. I grab his hand and pull him towards me.

"Don't worry, it'll all be alright." I kiss him after he doesn't say anything. Resting my head on his chest I rub circles in his back. The air is full of anticipation and anxiousness.

I'm sure it'll all be fine.


Danté's POV

I won't lie, I'm scared about the surgery. It's not that I'm afraid of being under anesthesia, I'm afraid of what I might see after I get my eyesight back. My dreams have been comforting though. I've been dreaming of my family visiting me and telling me it's going to be alright. We sit at the ruins of my old house and we talk. Then I'll dream about me and Audra's wedding. In my dream I see her walking down the aisle, but I can only make out her figure. Everything else is blurred out and I get upset that I can't fully see her. I'm especially thankful I'm getting this procedure done. The love of my life is right in front if me but I can't see her...but that'll all be changing.

I think back to Bella and all of the drama that came with her. I regret even going back to that wench. But I believe all things happen for a reason. If life didn't happen like it did, Audra would've never been mine. Neither would Damien and Lenzo. Speaking of children, I want at least five more. Though Audra and I have never made love, you better believe I am soon. I'm seriously trying to wait until our wedding, but we haven't really planned it out too much and I'm dying of sexual frustration. She's been healing so even light sexual contact is difficult for her. I love her so much.

Another thing I admire about her is the way she holds her head high and stays confident. When we're in bed and I hold her by the waist, I can feel the stretch marks and soft folds on her body. Even more so than before. She could very well pull away, but she doesn't. Her body moves closer to mine and I know she's content with everything. Plus I could never find her unattractive. I fell in love with a woman I've never laid eyes on. And aside from my shitty behavior before, I don't regret my decisions.

But today's the day. I'm having my surgery. Audra woke me up and got the babies ready then dropped them off to Mary and Vince. My stomach is in knots but I breathe deeply to try to relax myself. The car ride seems endless and I just want to have this surgery and be done.

Once in the hospital room and I'm prepped for surgery, I don't want to leave Audra.

"Don't worry baby, I'll be here when you wake up." Her voice soothes me and it feels like the air I've been lacking rushes to my lungs. She always has this effect of me.

"Thank you. You don't know how much I love you." I pull her in for a kiss.

"I do know how much you love me because I love just as much. Now relax. It'll all be over before you know it." After saying our goodbyes, I'm taken into surgery.

As I start to fall asleep, I think of my family and their smoking faces from heaven.

I'm finally getting my sight back.


Audra's POV

The wait during Té's surgery felt like years. It drug on for so long and all I could do is drink cranberry juice and eat my custard doughnuts. Yes, I ate my emotions.

Finally getting called back to see Té, I see the bandages over his eyes and him groaning. I know my love was in pain.

He's done nothing but sleep, eat, and take his pain medication for six days now. Marc is coming over to take the bandages off and assess Té's eyesight. I'm more than excited but he wouldn't know that because he's still sleep. The one good thing is the babies are sleeping as much as he is. That means more peace for me.

"Ready to take the bandages off?" Marc asks Té. I'm feeding Lenzo and Damien with both breasts while trying to watch Té have his bandages removed. My heart thuds in anticipation.

I stand directly beside Marc. Mary, Vince, Dani and Alex are standing behind me. Dani has a video camera waiting for Té to see.

Marc quickly removes the bad ages but then holds a cloth over his eyes and wipes over his eyelids. "Ready?" He asks Té. With a nod, Marc pulls down the cloth.

I stare into his icy blue eyes that are brimming with tears just like mine are. He looks breathless.

"Audra..." he chokes out through his tears. My fiancé can see. He can finally see.


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