Chapter Twenty-Two

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Audra's POV

I've been lying in my own blood for hours and I'm certain I'll remain here for a while. With nothing else to do, I recall the attack.

After hours of waiting for the perfect opportunity after Antonio left, I finally had my chance. Hearing water running and loud moans, I crack the door to make sure it's ok for me to go.

What I saw was Vlad and Bella having anal sex.

Swallowing back the bile, I walk as best I can to their room looking desperately for a phone. Aha! Found one!

Still hearing water running, I sprint as fast as possible with the limp I have and lock my bedroom door behind me.

Deciding on who I should call, I settle on Dani because I know her number from heart.

On the phone, I explain the situation as well as I can only to have Vlad kick the door in and attack me for taking his phone.

His punches, his kicks, his unrelenting words made my already wounded body and spirit splinter then shatter into a million pieces.

My baby is dead for sure.

I vaguely remembering him and Bella saying something about "24 hours" and "She dies" but it doesn't phase me.

I've lost my baby and the love of my life. Yeah our relationship moved quickly, but the quality of our love was way more important than quantities of time.

And at this point, I'm ready to die.

I'm almost positive I won't make it to my 20th birthday but I don't regret how I've lived my life. I doubled up on high school and nursing classes to get my RN degree, made a name for myself, started my life over, and truly fell in love.

How many people my age can say that? But it does stop the rage boiling inside of me.

How could God allow this to happen to me? How could he let my baby perish in the midst of chaos and vendetta?

A mother is supposed to protect her child and I couldn't even do that.

Salty, stinging, and scorching tears run down my face blinding my bruised and swollen eyes. I'm so weak that I can't even lift my arm to wipe them away.

I blame Danté for this! He's always do cynical and selfish! I'm sure that Vlad made up some bullshit lie to cover his tracks because he knew Danté would believe it!

He doesn't even try to think or look for himself. The bastard just lets everyone else dictate his life and when things go wrong he sulks in solitude.

Anger boils within me but I can do nothing about it; I'm immobilized practically. It hurts to breathe, it hurts to think, and it hurts to still be alive when I could be with Leo and my baby in Heaven.

But I'm left alone to endure the consequences of other's actions.

The silence around me is deafening All I can hear is the shaky and shallow breaths I take and the dull thud of my heart that I'm certain will give out here shortly.

At least I hope it will.


Danté's POV

Marc wasn't lying: Audra's dogs were angry. Ignoring the pain of the stitching Marc is performing on my wounds, my mind races to come up with an effective scenario to save Audra.

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