The Final Concert Part 1

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*Chapter 79: The Final Concert Part 1*

*Simon's POV*

*Two Months Later*

"BOYS HURRY UP! YOUR GOING TO BE LATE FOR SOUNDCHECK!" I yelled to the back of the bus.

"COMING!" I heard Liam yell.

In the past two months Liam has gotten so much better than when he was when he surprised us. I am proud to have watched him grow from someone so angry to someone who is so kind, caring and funny. Man, I missed this side of him.

"BOYS! LET'S GO!" I yelled after another minute.

And a few seconds later the boys ran by. But as the boys ran by, I should have been confused and should have asked questions. Amanda was on Nialls back as he ran by, she was giggling up a storm. Aubrey was over Louis' should and Ariel over Liam's both of them yelling them to let them go.

"I'm not going to ask." I said to my self once they were off the bus.

*Skipping soundcheck*

*Hours later*

*Before concert*

Everyone was in the dressing room, laughing and talking and having a good time. The energy was at a high. Maybe it was the fact that it was the last concert that One Direction is going to play. I don't know. But I don't have time to be excited. I'm so nervous because the boys families just arrived.

"Ariel, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked, interrupting her conversation.

"Yeah, sure." She replied to me before she followed me out to the hallway.

Once out in the hall, she closed the door.

"What's up?" She asked, obviously forgetting the surprise that we have been planning for months.

"Tell me you didn't forget?" I asked nervously.

"Forget what?" Ariel asked.

I gave her a look that was mixed with fear, concern, and worry.

"I'm just messing with you, I didn't forget?" Ariel said slightly laughing.

"Okay good. Because they just arrived." I replied nervously.

"Then why do you look like you're going to throw up?" Ariel asked.

"I'm just afraid of what the boys are going to say when they surprise them in the dressing room after the show." I admitted.

"They'll get over it. Now can I go back to spending time with my boyfriend and best friends now. They go on soon and I would like to spend time with them beforehand." Ariel explained to me.

"Yeah go ahead. I wanted to talk to everyone anyway." I replied.

Once Ariel and I were back in the room, I noticed everyone was still chatting and laughing. Probably about some memory they had while on tour or back in the day before they broke up.

"Excuse me, can I have everyone's attention please?" I asked, trying to speak over everyone's conversations.

After a moment everyone was silent and looking at me.

"So as you may already know this is our last concert on the Reunion Tour. This tour had its ups and it downs, but I can assure you that we all have memories that could last a life time. I just wanted to let you five boys know that I am so proud of each and every one of you, especially you Liam. You all have changed for the better throughout this tour, but Liam, I am most proud of you because when you first came on board, you were angry, didn't really talk to anyone, always stayed in your bunk. Now look at you, months later you have completely blown me away. I know that this show might be emotional for you and for the rest of the boys, but just remember how proud everyone in this room is of you. And not only the people in this room, but the people out in the stadium right now. The fans finally got the closure they were looking for. And hey, who knows, maybe you guys found the closure you were looking for. I know I have. So tonight, just have fun I know the fans and the rest of us will be." I said, finally finishing my speech.

None of them said a word. We just stayed silent for a moment before the boys looked at each other.

"Simon, the boys and I were talking before soundcheck this morning. And we just wanted to thank you so much for what you have done for us over the year, especially over these past months on this tour. It has truly been an honor to be apart of this tour to give not only the fans closure, but to give us closure to. We are so grateful for you to not only bring us back on the X Factor, but years later to bring us back again to give everyone the closure that they need." Louis said.

"And that's why we all chipped in and got you this." Zayn said giving me an envelope and a gift wrapped present.

I looked at them curiously as I opened the envelope. It was a normal thank you card signed by each of the boys with their own personal message that I decided to read later.

"Open the present now." Niall said excitedly.

"Now?" I asked.

"Now." The five of them said in unison in all seriousness.

"Fine." I replied.

I carefully ripped the paper off and opened the box that was underneath. And when I pulled out what was in the box, I was speechless. It was a picture frame with two pictures inside. One picture was a group picture of them when they first started out on the X Factor and the other was a group picture of them recently. Both of these pictures were taken on stage in front of the audience.

"Remember how we made one of the band members to take a group picture of us a couple of concerts for?" Harry asked.

I just nodded.

"Yeah, well that's what that was for." Harry told me.

"So how do you like it?" Ariel asked.

"I love it." I finally said. "All of you knew about this?"

"Yeah, the boys kind of shared the idea with us a couple of weeks ago. Figured we get it done for the last concert." Aubrey said.

"It was all Liam's idea." Paul said.

"Okay, it wasn't all my idea. The others helped." Liam said.

"Yeah, by saying that we should get something for Simon. You're the one who came up with the idea of the present." Louis stated.

"Oh whatever." Liam said before one of the crew members stuck his head in.

"Boys, it's time." He said smiling.

"I guess that's our cue." Liam said.

"You guys ready?" Louis asked.

"As ready as we'll ever be." Zayn, Niall, and Harry said in unison.

"I think we should go take our seats." Paul said.

"That's probably a good idea." I said.

"Take your seats?" Niall asked.

"You thought we'd be watching the last One Direction concert ever from backstage? You must be out of your mind." Ariel said.

"Then who's going to be watching Amanda?" Niall asked worriedly.

"Oh don't you worry about that?" Paul said, walking over with Amanda in his arms and giant headphones covering her ears, causing Niall to laugh.

"You boys should probably go. You don't want to be late starting your own concert." I said.

The boys just nodded and left the room. Wow, I didn't think I was going to feel this emotional.

"You okay?" I heard someone say, as they put their hand on my shoulder.

I looked over to see Ariel standing next to me.

"Yeah, just a little emotional is all." I stated.

"Me too." I said.

"You guys coming?" Aubrey asked sticking her head in the dressing room. Didn't even realize her and Paul left.

"Yeah, we're coming." Ariel said.

A few moments later, we were in the front row with the boys families. Another moment later, the lights went out. And when they came back on the boys were all on stage. The music started playing. This concert is going to be a rough one.

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