The Next Day

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*Chapter 31: The Next Day*

*Ariel's POV*

*The Next Day*

The boys are currently at rehearsals and Aubrey, Amanda, and I are in the dressing room. Amanda had been running around all morning and finally had gone for her nap.

"So you never told me how you date went last night." Aubrey said.

"What's there to talk about?" I asked.

"What happened of course." She replied.

"Nothing really happened. We ate, we talked, that's about it." I told her.

"Are you sure that's all that happened? Liam was supposed to come back to help me watch Amanda at my family's house, but he never showed." Aubrey mentioned.

"Fine, the boys may have sung a song to me at the end. But it's no big deal." I told her.

"Of course it's a big deal. It's One Direction. You're all time favorite band. That had to feel amazing." She said quickly.

"Oh shut it." I told her as she just laughed in response.

*A few hours later*

The boys are currently on stage making their fans cry as I sit here in the dressing room, playing with Amanda. Aubrey went to go sit in the crowd. I swear she told me that she was going to help with Amanda tonight. That lier.

"Hey, how's it going in here?" Paul says as he made his way in the dressing room.

"Paul!" Amanda yelled as she ran up and gave him a hug.

"Hey Amanda. Are you having fun?" Paul asked her as he picked her up.

Amanda nodded in response.

"Hey Amanda, why don't you go play with your dolls on the couch while Ariel and I talk, okay?" Paul told her.

"Okay Paul." She responded.

Paul put her down and she immediately picked up her dolls and ran over to the couch.

"What's up? You look stressed." I asked.

"Sorry, these concerts get me stressed out. Anyway, I wanted to know how the date went last night." He asked.

"You are the second person to ask me that." I told me.

"Sorry, Louis won't say a word about it. He just blushes." He replied as I laugh.

"Don't tell him I said that." He said quickly, realizing what he said.

"Don't worry, I won't. And to answer your question, we just talked and ate." I told him.

"That's it." He asked in confusion.

"Well, before we left, Zayn, Liam, Harry, and Niall came along and started singing 'Little Things' to me along with Louis." I told him.

"Oh." Was all that he said.

"Not what you expected?" I asked.

Paul stared at me for a second, then left. Well, that was weird.


Sorry for the short chapter!

Hope you all are liking the story so far!

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