On the Bus

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*Chapter 39: On the Bus*

*Ariel's POV*

*One Hour Later*

It has been an hour since Liam followed Louis outside and they'r still not back yet. Everyone has been sitting in the TV area silently waiting for at least one of them to return. The sun is currently coming up, indicating that we have been up all night.

"Hey, what's everyone doing up?" Niall asked as he came out of the bunk area, still in his pajama's.

"Didn't sleep." Simon mumbled, obviously tired by the tone in his voice.

"Why not?" Niall asked in confusion.

"Couldn't sleep." Paul replied.

"Why?" Niall asked.

"Niall, why are you asking so many questions? It's too early." Zayn snapped.

"Somebody needs some sleep." Niall mumbled.

Zayn opened his mouth to speak again, but Louis and Liam both entered the bus.

"Were you guys up all night?" Louis asked in confusion.

"Yup." We all responded in unison. Well, except for Niall of course.

Louis just nodded. We all just stood there in awkward silence.

"So, we're just going to go to bed. We'll talk to you later." Simon said.

"And I should go check on Amanda." Niall added.

Me, Paul, Simon, Zayn, Liam, and Aubrey got up and headed towards the bunks. But it wasn't until my name was called that I stayed behind.

"Ariel, can I talk to you for a minute?" Louis asked timidly.

*Louis' POV*

"Ariel, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked timidly.

There was multiple glances among the group before Ariel replied.

"Sure, why not." She replied.

"What's up?" She asked once everyone left the room.

"I just wanted to apologize for the way I have been acting lately. I shouldn't have acted that way and I am so very sorry." I rambled.

Ariel stood there and let me ramble for a good five minutes before she finally cut me off my pressing her lips against mine.

"I'm going to take it that I am forgiven." I said once we separated.

"What do you think?" She said sarcastically.

"Well, then, now that that's settled than lets get some sleep. We have to get everything ready for tonight." I said with a large smile.

*3 hours later*

"It's about time your all up. Me and Amanda have been very lonely." Niall said from the couch as we all filed out of the bunk area. Well, everyone except for Liam. He's still sleeping. Niall and Amanda were both sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Sorry, we didn't really get much sleep last night." I said.

"What are you talking about? We didn't get any sleep last night." Paul snapped.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

"So what do you guys want to do since we have the day off?" Niall asked looking at us.

Oh Niall, if only you knew what we have planned.

"Actually, I was thinking you, me, and Ariel could hang out. Just the three of us" Aubrey said.

"Sorry, can't." Niall said.

"What do you mean you can't?" Both Ariel and Aubrey said in unison. They both look very confused.

"There's no one to watch Amanda." Niall replied.

"Are you serious? No one to watch Amanda." Paul said in disbelief.

"Yeah." Niall replied slowly.

"That's ridiculous. Simon and I will watch her." Paul told him.

"I don't know." Niall said unsurely.

"Your two biggest fans want to spend the day with you. Are you really going to deprive them of that opportunity." Paul explained.

"Well, is the rest of the guys going?" Niall asked.

"Sorry, the four of us are busy all day." I told him.

"But you should really go. Our fans never got that chance three years ago." Zayn added.

Niall thought about it for a second. 

"Fine, I'll go." Niall said unsurely.

"Then it's settled. Ariel and I will be out in 20." Aubrey said as she dragged Ariel to the back of the bus.

I really hope that this whole date plan goes well.

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