“Yes, ma'am,” Caelum said, and Peter looked at him.

“All you had was a apple,” he accused, and Caelum frowned.

“I'm not that hungry ― I'll pick up something else on the way,” he assured the women. “Peter and I are going out, we'll be back later.”

“Ya know to call if ya need anythin’,” Dorri said as she took a customer's cash.

“Yes, ma'am,” Caelum responded, only getting a glance at the man. He looked familiar with his jacket zipped up to cover the bottom half of his face. His dark eyes glaring at Caelum as they passed. Caelum frowned, but didn't say anything as they left the Café.

He and Peter walked for a while to the police station on the far side of the city. It was a an two hours away from their location, with morning traffic, but Peter didn't seem to mind. He did, however, question the distance while he was in the crowded subway.

“Why are you looking for jobs so far away?” Peter asked while they waited for their stop.

“It's closer to the school,” he lied easily, leaning on his palm, looking out the dark, tunnel window.

“What kind of job are you looking for?”

“I don't know.”

Peter was quiet for a few minutes. “Cael?”

“Yes, Parker?”

“Are you okay?” Caelum rose an eyebrow. “I know with what happened with. . . Principal Davis and your brothers can be a lot, but. . . you can talk to me, you know? I'm not exactly going anywhere.”

Caelum let out a small smile and gave a half nod, “I know, Parker. I'm just. . . thinking.”

“About what?” You. Always about you.

“A lot of big things, a lot of small things,” he gave a half shrug. “ A lot has happened. I'm just. . . trying to clean it up.”

“Then, ask for help.” Caelum looked down, pushing his lips tight.

“I don't think it's that simple,” he admitted. How could he explain to Peter his. . . ability? Would Peter look at him strange? Would he care?

“Do you wanna talk about it?”

“You wouldn't understand,” Caelum said, and then glanced up, their stop was next. “Come on, we get off here.”

° · ° · ° · °

They walked to the police station, and opened the doors. Caelum looked around, frowning, trying to see where he could get into the holding cells from where they were. He had to see if Principal Davis was still here. “What are we doing here?” Peter asked, looking around. “I thought you said you were going to look for a job?”

“I am,” he lied. “Come on,” he waved them over to a chair and sat down.

A woman glanced over, and rose an eyebrow. “Do you two need something?”

Caelum smiled, “Yes, ma'am. I am Algol Caelum Forest, the victim in the case against Andrew Davis. Is there an officer I can speak with? I have a few more things I thought was important to share.” He looked her over, she wore a standard uniform, and her stringy blonde hair was pulled back into a tight bun. But, she did wear pearls around her neck and silver hanging earrings. “I love your earrings, ma'am. My mother had a pair just like those. They definitely compliment your pearls, they are gorgeous.”

She rose an eyebrow and a red tint dusted her cheeks. “Thank you very much, and I know what case you're talking about. Detective Mahoney is the one heading that one, I'll call him in. You two boys have a seat.” She waved a hand to the chairs they were sitting and he gave he another charming smile before tugging Peter away.

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