Chapter 24

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Before Sanctum could do anything 8 voices yelled in Sync," Stupefy." The force of the combined spells was such that he flew back and hit his head at the Ravenclaw table. Meanwhile Madam Pomfrey was checking over Harry and she said," Albus he's non responsive." "What should we do?" Asked Minerva almost in tears. "Poppy, Get Harry to the Hospital Wing and start treatment. Severus see which spell Mr Sanctum used and start finding the counter to it. Minerva I think you should rest for a while as you are no use to Harry like this. Aurora take Minerva to her quarters and give her a Dreamless Sleep Potion and a Calming Draught. Pomona herd the students back to their dorms and ask the House Elves to send their lunch there. Also announce that all lectures are cancelled till further notice." Before Dumbledore could say anything else the doors opened and in walked Hagrid. "Sorry, I'm late. Been workin' and forgo' the time." He rumbled. Just then he saw all Professors standing around somebody and all the wands in the hall trained at someone else. "Eh what's going on?" He asked. "I'll get Hagrid to his house and then talk to the other Portraits about this spell. Filius call the Potter's." Said Dumbledore. Pomfrey had already levitated Harry off and as she took him, Hagrid saw Harry unconscious. "What's the matter with 'Arry Professor Dumbledore!? Why is he like that?" Asked Hagrid. "Come with me Hagrid, I'll tell you what happened. Also Pomona after doing your job get Harry's friends to the Hospital Wing." Said Dumbledore as he led Hagrid away.
Snape went towards where Sanctum was lying and used Legilimancy to determine what was the spell he used. After finding the knowledge, he cursed quite loudly. "What happened Severus?" Asked Aurora Sinistra from where she came back after putting Minerva to rest at her quarters. "The idiot of a boy used a borderline dark spell which causes instant Coma to the person it hits. It's non transferable and has no cure." He sighed. "So what are we gonna do?" Asked Aurora. "We have no choice but to wait." He said.
Robes billowing Severus went to the Hospital Wing to share this news with the others with Aurora following him. He was accosted by Pomona, Poppy and Filius at once when he entered. "It's a borderline dark spell which causes instant Coma to the person it hits. It regretfully is also non transferable and has no cure." Sighed Snape. "So now what?" Asked Filius softly looking at Harry and his friends surrounding him. Just then the doors to the Hospital Wing banged open and in walked or rather ran in Lily and Eveline Potter. They were followed by Andrew, James, Sirius and Orion. "What happened to my baby?" Asked Lily with tears in her eyes. "Theodore Sanctum hit him with a curse, Lily." Said Pomona somberly. "Lucas Sanctum's son?" Orion asked.
"Yes, Lord Black." Said Snape with undisguised hatred for the man in question. "Bring him in for the questioning." Said James enraged. "He's flown the coop James." Said Regulus coming in. When everyone looked at him questioningly, he said," Mother said to go and check on Harry, when Kreacher said that he was attacked by Theodore Sanctum. I straightway went to the Sanctum Manor. It's locked." "So what do we do now?" Asked Lily looking at Hermione who hadn't left Harry's bedside. "Wait." Said Filius.
Dumbledore came in with a haggard expression, only to look at the crestfallen faces and sit down in a chair with a long tiring sigh. "The Curse is non transferable nor has any cure. Harry is in a coma." Said Pomona. Dumbledore just put his hands to his temple and started rubbing it. Just then in floated Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington (the Gryffindor House Ghost), The Fat Friar ( the Hufflepuff House Ghost), the Grey Lady ( the Ravenclaw House Ghost) and the Bloody Baron (the Slytherin House Ghost).

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