And then there was the ghost, in the same position. Why didn't he help her instead? She could do a lot more than his father could.

That was a lie. She couldn't, but it would make him feel better if she was there.

Or, he could simply take the money and leave. Just move himself and the boys somewhere safe. It was enough to get them all overseas. He could find his mother's family, live there, far, far away from his father and the ghost.

But, he'd also be far away from Peter too. Caelum could trick himself to live without Peter, he could fool himself into forgetting the boy. But, he didn't want to. He wanted Peter ― desperately. And Peter wanted him here. He couldn't leave him that easily, that quickly.

Not without saying goodbye, at least.

He needed to find out what he was going to do. He needed to find a way to live. He was in charge now his parents were gone and nobody was going to help him and his brothers but himself.

He stopped at the corner. There were no cars coming in either direction, but he wasn't in a rush to get anywhere. He waited for the light to change, wondering when it would be a good time to go back to work ― if Sarah and Dorri would even let him. Did they think he would need time to mourn? He didn't have time to mourn, not with everything going on.

A car stopped beside him and the door slid open. He vaguely recognized it as the slow black van. Then, someone was grabbing him by the shoulders, yanking him inside as the van sped off.

He didn't even get the opportunity to speak.

° · ° · ° · °

The black van and it's occupants were. . . interesting. For the most part, they did their job, kidnapping him, well. He was proficiently duct-taped and silenced. His eyes covered by a questionable smelling bandana ― or rag, he wasn't sure ― and his arms bound with zip-ties.

Then, Caelum was tossed helplessly ― pathetically ― in the back of the truck as they moved. Sometimes, they spoke, correcting directions to the designated driver, other times, they talked in whispered tones with one another.

Caelum wanted to ask where he was going, why someone was dragging him away, and if his father was behind this. He was pretty sure his father thought he was dead ― after that stunt at the repass ― but maybe he did leave him alive for someone to find him? Or he hadn't initially meant to take his life, or at least try to?

He was quickly getting his answers when the car came to an abrupt halt. The thugs ― because that was exactly what these men were ― carried him out of the back. Caelum wondered if he looked like an infant ready to be fed, by the way the men held him.

It made him angry and embarrassed. He was tired and wanted to sleep. He ― potentially ― had work in the afternoon and a mother to grieve. He didn't have time to be taken out on involuntary playdates with mysterious people!

He was kindly set in a chair ― and by that he meant rather roughly, and then straightened as an afterthought. Someone took the sweat-scented bandana off his eyes, he was sure to get pink eye later, and ripped the tape off his lips. The zip-ties stayed on, unfortunately, and when Caelum blinked to recognize the room, he wished they were off.

He was in an office space, one he didn't recognize but that didn't matter. Principal Davis sat across from him.

Caelum hadn't seen the man in months. He was smiling, but he was well-versed with that smile. He was infuriated, and he was going to die because of it. Caelum remembered the last time he saw Principal Davis, the same night everything he loved practically went to shit. All because of him, all because the man said he had a partial scholarship ― that Peter Parker had the full scholarship.

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