My kidnapper says showering together is bonding. Yeah Right 15

Start from the beginning

"What the hell!" He yelled


"Go away" He looked right into Nicole's eyes.

"Sam we're-" Nicole hit me in the head

"Shut up Marcus. Sam Go. We'll leave" She pulled me to the passenger seat Mathew in the back and she drove

"What the hell was that for!" I yelled

"Marcus. Trent is older he can get through mind barriers better than anyone. Sam didn't tell us because if Trent Knew he wont let him in" She was driving back home or at least I thought she was. She drove into the forest

"So what now?"

"We wait"

"How long?"

"Until Sam tells us to come"

"How will we know that?" I know I was being dumb but I didn't know

"If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise" She smiled and closed her eyes.

I hated waiting and I defiantly hated surprised.

I just stared at the door, what the hell was I suppose to ask. Is Marlyn here? Stupid Stupid Me.

Hello! Its Sam! Can I talk to you! There was no use knocking since I could just yell in my head and I knew someone would answer.

The door opened and Trent smiled at me



"What brings you?"

"I want to see Marlyn"

"Shes sleeping"

"Can I come in?" He took a step back and I walked inside. His entire house was painted Gold. It was weird but it was nice all the while

"Your birthday is coming up soon. Are you ready?" We walked to the living room and sat down on his golden couch.

"Yes, but im postponing it"

"Why?" He was shocked

"Well, to be honest. I wanted Marlyn to be there."

"I see. You bonded with her?" I nodded

"She was the only person who knew. She understood."

"Are you even sure you understand?" He eyed me


"But yet you never seen them kill, you never seen them torture. You never seen the evil" He had me.

"But I know of it"

"Yes, you need Marlyn because she has seen and been the victim of that evil. You want to know how and why she is still surviving and why she is so dependent on it"

"I never thought about it that way, but yes I guess that's a part of it"

"I do too"


"Marlyn is unique in every single way, suicidal, brave, determined and delusional. She loves danger. She thrives on violence. She fighting herself. she loves us, vampires."

"What? No she doesn't love danger or violence. Suicidal and delusional okay I can understand but everything else no" I shook my head

"You came to her house what did she tell you?"

"I miss you. I miss every one" I said it slowly thinking over that statement that took me by surprise also.

"Exactly. It was life changing. it's a rush, like a drug. She thrives on the danger she needs it. She wants to die because she knows no one will do it. Its like falling off a cliff knowing someone is going to catch you" He gave a wide smile and laughed like he was having a private joke.

"So you took her to study her?"

"Yes. Marcus never shuts up. I read his mind as soon as I was within hearing distance and I was instantly curious about her. Who was this girl that Marcus the cruel and evil could not kill" He smiled "I also can not kill her. I tried twice and every time I stop. Theres something about her. Marcus believes its for revenge but its not im too old for that" He smiled

My mouth dropped open. This was sick. He was sick.

"Of course we're sick. We are Vampires. We will live to infinity. We will go into murderous rages for years to loving peaceful creature then to mad scientist to historians we will blend into the human world then call ourself missionaries trying to save the world. Vampire are cruel and unstable. Never ever trust them. I know Ive been alive for 200 years my father for 400 it's a long sad, twisted life to live. Are you sure you want this?" He yellow eyes pierced my soul I felt the tearing apart of my barriers all my reason to the core of my existence.

"Yes I am" I said it so much I believed it. I look at my mother, her happiness. She never regrets it. It was life chaning she said I will love it. I have to hold on to the good things I hear. The bad will come after im changed

"Then I invite you to come with me to hunt. I was planning to take Marlyn, let her see how murderous I am" He grinned

I thought about this for a while. Was I ready to see what the creature I was becoming would be like in action? I wanted Nicole to show me. She was the one who was going to change me. Did I want to break her promise. It was as easy to ask, but did I want them to know. I could hide it. She wouldn't be mad if she didn't know.

"Okay" He smiled.

"Let me get Marlyn." He stood, stretched and walked out the living room.

Hell, what was I getting myself into?

Thanks for the comments votes & reading everyone you rock!!!!

My Kidnapper says showering together is bonding. Yeah RightWhere stories live. Discover now