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"What did you do?!?" You asked her. She smiled at you and stuck out her hand, grabbing your neck. She lifted you by the neck and broke one of the the cell's bars with her other hand.

Nat came to the rescue with the iron fist. She was about to shot Raven, but Raven placed you in front of her.

"She is my shield now... Shoot me and she dies." She said and then laughed. Nat didn't shoot, instead she swinged her leg making the girl fall to the ground. You stood up and kicked her in the stomach in the bar.

She passed out.

"She is too strong..." You said to Nat and you high fived each other relieved.

"Lets go help your dad and Peter." Nat said. She handed you the watch back and her hand was healed.

"I missed you (N/n)!" You said. Nat patted your back and smiled at you. Then, she pointed at the door, where your dad and Peter were fighting robots.

Nat went out, but when you were about to step your foot out of the cell room the giant metal door closed.

"(Y/n)!" Nat yelled when the door closed immediately.

"(N/n) hack the system! Restore electricity and open this doo-" You were about to say when a hand covered your mouth and other took your watch.


You were left in shock when you saw someone.

"Surprise (Y/n)!" Tyler said...

Raven was still covering your mouth and was walking to the cell. You were fighting against her, but she was way stonger than you. She dragged you through the floor while you moved your legs frenetically mking force to escape, but there was no way.

She threw you to the cell and locked the door.

"Feels nice right?" She said and then laughed.

Tyler walked closer and closer to the cell, you still in shock, you couldn't speak, how is this possible?

You were still on the cell's floor, mouth opened, you looked down to avoid looking at him. He crouched next to you and held your chin high, making you see him eye to eye. He closed your mouth, caressed your hair, and smirked.

"(Y/n) hold on!" You heard Peter shout.

"Don't cry (Y/n)... I know you missed me." He said chuckling.

"How? I saw you bleed and- -" You began saying, but he interrupted you...

"Do you really think I would've died that easily?!? I'm not Captain America, I'm a better version." He said and then stood up.

"Let me explain... Hydra has hidden modified serums, and they've decided to not give you strength, but only mind control you." Raven said and then smiled.

"Don't worry, you'll just forget everything and everyone while being mind controled."

"Why me?" You asked her, standing up from the cell's floor.

"You'll make an empire fall from the inside." She answered.

You remembered they already had injected you the mind control serum and you began to freak out when Tyler said...

"Longing" He began saying and you felt pain all over your body. Some memories slowly began fading away.

"Rusted" He continued. You began to yell and cry.


"We are almost opening it!" You heard your dad say outside.

"Daybreak" Tyler continued. More memories were leaving your head.

"Seventeen, Benign, Nine..."

"Homecoming, One..."

"Freight car." He ended. You were on the floor with your eyes closed until he said...

"солдат/soldier..." Tyler said.

"готовы соблюдать/Ready to comply." You answered and Tyler handed you a giant gun.
Peter's POV

Minutes before you became a soldier.

We had destroyed all the robots and Natasha came running to Mr. Stark. Everything was fine until I noticed (Y/n) wasn't with us. She was trapped inside with the weird girl, that recently I found out is a Winter Soldier.

"Friday, call the other Avengers now!" Mr. Stark yelled in anger, while he tried opening the door with his laser, but it didn't worked.

"The system is crashing..."

"Tony, why isn't your laser working?" Natasha asked him.

"I made the door out of vibranium..." He answered.

"You what?!?" Natasha screamed.

"Just blow it off!" I told them.

"Good idea kid, stand back!" Mr. Stark said. We walked backwards and he threw a tiny missile that made a giant explosion blowing off the door.

"I'll look on the right, Natasha you go left, kid do your thing." Mr. Stark said and we parted ways.

I walked in the cell's room and found Raven and Tyler on the floor acting like they needed help.

"Weren't you dead?" I asked him dragging him by the shirt and webbing both his arms to the wall.

"You sound like Peter Parker." He answered.

"Is that what I asked you?" I asked him about to knock him out but the weird girl said...

"You won't have to fight us... You'll have to fight her." Pointing at (Y/n) who had a huge gun in her hand.

"She won't fight me, right (Y/n)?" I asked her, but she stood silent.

"I don't know (Y/n)." She said and began to shoot me.

I dodged the bullets, but she kept shooting. Tyler and Raven ran out the room.

"Mr. Stark, your daughter is trying to kill me!" I said holding my earpiece.

"What did you do to her?" Mr. Stark asked.

"Nothing! She is just trying to kill me!" I answered.

"They did it." Natasha said in the other line.

"Did what?" Mr. Stark asked her.

"Made her forget." Natasha answered.

I got distracted for a second and a bullet almost reached me. I climbed the wall, threw a web at her gun, and managed to take it away from (Y/n)'s hand. She ran to grab the gun again, but I grabbed her hand and didn't let her go.

I took my mask off and said, "(Y/n)! It's me... Peter." I pulled her closer and closer to me, so she wouldn't grab the gun.

"I don't know you!" She yelled and slapped me.

Luckily, she wasn't given super strength because the shit would've hurt a lot.

"More robots!" I heard Mr. Stark say from my earpiece.

"She doesn't remember me at all!" I yelled still holding (Y/n)'s arm.

"As difficult as it sounds, knock her out!" Natasha said from the earpiece.

"What?" I asked hoping I misheard what she said.

"Knock her out! She'll be fine!"

I pulled (Y/n) closer and closer, she kept fighting me for the gun. I was about to knock her out, but even evil, she looked angelic, so instead I kissed her.
Author: ooooh ☺️

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 ✦ Peter Parker x Reader [𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓮]Where stories live. Discover now