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Tony Stark in a nutshell^^^

Peter's POV

Mr. Stark arrived in his suit just after I knocked out Chloe and Harry.

"They know... they did it." I said to Mr. Stark and his suit opened up revealing his worried and concerned expression on his face.

Mr. Stark carried unconscious (Y/n) and took out the syringe from her arm. "How did this happen?" He asked me.

"I...I'm really sorry." I said to him. I've never seen Mr. Stark so worried and broken. "He was some undocover bad guy I really don't know." I said to him but he just stared at his daughter.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n)." I said to her even if she couldn't listen to me.
Back to your POV

You swore it was late at night few minutes ago. You realised you were laying on your bedroom's bed, as you saw a ton of light coming out of the window.

You felt a soft hand on your face and recognised it was Wanda's.

"She's up!" Steve, who was sitting besides you in your bed.

Your dad, Peter, Thor, Nat and the rest ran to your room.

"(Y/n)? How do you feel?" Peter asked you. You noticed he was really stressed and anxious.

"I feel weird... but it's the common, so I guess fine." You said to him smiling trying to kill the seriousness that drowned your room.

"She still got humor thank god." Sam said.

Your dad sat next to you. "(Y/n) are you really feeling normal? Are you feeling ok?" He asked you. He didn't seem in the mood of joking around.

"Yes... I'm ok. You extracted the serum from my blood system, right?" You asked him with a hopeful smile.

Steve frowned and placed his hand of his forehead, Peter looked down with his arms crossed, Thor wasn't laughing, Nat hasn't said a word, Wanda was breathing deeply, and Bucky had the Bucky face.

"You did right?" You asked, your smile was erased from your face in an instant when Peter said "No..."


"I'm... no, please tell me you are joking." You said and then laughed, but no one else laughed.

"I'm sorry..." Bucky said from across the room.

"You are a Winter Soldier..." Steve began saying.

"It seems like you've been injected the wrong serum..." He continued.

"You don't have super strenght, you only got mind control." He ended.

"Yes, people can mind control if they say some magic words." Thor said with a really sad voice.

"So I got the worst part of it all?" You asked without believing this was happening at all.

Steve and Bucky nodded in answer.
Everyone left your room. You had a hard time processing all this information that was given to you at once.

You stared at the ceiling trying to convince yourself being mind controlled is not as bad as it sounds.

"Hey hon" Your dad said as he opened your room's door. He sat next to your bed and stared up to the ceiling so tears wouldn't pour down his face.

"They know..." He said still looking up.

"Who knows what?" You asked to him.

Anyways, what else could go wrong?

"Everyone knows... The public knows. The world knows you are (Y/n) Stark, my daughter." Your dad said giving you a little comforting, yet painful smile

"What? How?" You asked him feeling happy for yourself, yet worried. Feeling sad for your dad, because he is probably more worried for you than you are for yourself.

"Long story... This popular youtuber called Shane Dawson made a conspiracy video about this girl that disguises herself with the last name Miller who is actually secretly my daughter. He had enough proof to please the public and convince them all his theory is truth." Your dad said frowning.

"The video has 5.7 billion views." He continued.

"But that's more than half the world....... My shister Shane is making some shmoney!"

"What?" Your dad asked really confused.

"Nothing......" You answered to him.

"Well, the thing is, the press is surronding the house trying to break in. They are waiting for you to make a statement and the others and guards are having a hard time controlling them." He began saying, as his sad expression slowly left his face.

"If you don't feel ready yet, I can send them all off by force." Your dad said to you holding both your hands, stressed.

"You know..." You said while sitting up from the bed.

"A very smart man once taught me, 'Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk." You said and then smiled to him. Your dad smiled back and hugged you like nothing else mattered in the world except for this moment.
"Everything is ready."

The doors opened. You were surronded with cameras and thousands of people speaking in different languages, all at the same time.

You walked to the stage, not with a dress, but wearing sweatpants and some flip flops. One of your dad's assistant handed you a microphone...

"I'm not just only Iron Man's daughter..." You said.
The crowd cheered.

"I'm (Y/n) Stark..." You said a little louder.
The crowd yelled.

"I'M IRONGIRL BITCHES!!!" You shouted for everyone to hear.
The crowd ROARED

And this is the moment that marked the beginning of a new life.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 ✦ Peter Parker x Reader [𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓮]Where stories live. Discover now