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-First person POV-
THE DAY was gloomy and everything looked quite sad. It was late in the morning and I was walking through the school corridors because I already missed my first period class. Peter tried to wake me up but I just shoved his hand off my arm and told him I would meet him at school and that he should leave the apartment first. I also told him I'll be there in a minute, we'll guess what? Mentí.

My mind was rushing with paranoia about what could happen next unexpectedly. Tyler, Emma and Leah are the parasites of my life. They are the bad and boring characters in an already bad book who make the book even worse than it is. The reason they are bad characters is not because they may seem like the villains, not at all. The actual reason everyone hates them is because they are an honest pain in the butt and even the author of the book wants to erase them, but unfortunately the author already introduced them to the story and they are somehow influential, but literally no one likes them. Sadly, those are Tyler, Emma and Leah in my life.

The halls were eerie and the silence filled my ears. This place was the perfect set for a horror movie, a cold, ugly, dirty, okay I think you guys got the idea. After my thoughts calmed down, I decided to hang out at the teacher's lounge, which strangely was always open and no teacher even went to that place anymore after the smoke bomb prank of 2016. I'm not going into details.

I opened the door of the room and set my backpack on the ground. I took a seat and rested my head on my palms to calm my racing paranoic thoughts and just when I always already calm and embracing the peace and silence, I felt a cold metal at the back of my head, a gun. "How's your day going, Stark? I see you missed your first class, I guess it was English class and that's probably why your Twitter is filled with ridiculous typos."

It was Tyler, ew. "Alright dumbass first of all, what the heck are you doing pointing a gun to my frickin head and second of all, my Twitter is ten times more interesting than your whole life story, so please take several seats and shut your annoying as-" My rambles and vague offenses stopped when he pressed the gun deeper into my hair and closer to my skin.

"Shut up! Now take off your bracelet and listen to me attentively." He threatened and he obviously though I was going to do what he ordered, because that's what the arrogant always do. I can assure that statement because I may be arrogant at times, not gonna lie. I slowly fidgeted with the silver bracelet with a smirk painted on my lips.

I took it off and turned around to find a gun just between my eyes. "Chill, as if I could do anything to get out of this situation." He lowered the gun and that's exactly when my iron fist covered my hand and I sent a blow on his chest, making him stumble back and hit the wall behind him in excruciating pain. "Ha! You thought!" I said as his face drained of color and walked closer to his limp body. "You really thought I would give you my million dollar baby hanging on my wrist. Hell nah!"

He was holding his chest and that's when I noticed crazy amounts of blood seeping through his chest. "Oh no! Oh no!" I began panicking and pressed my Iron fist to his chest, not because he was dying, but because a dead student was hard to explain. "Hey N/n, how can I solve this?" The answer of my AI was as simple as placing on his chest some spare nanotech and to cover his wounds for a while. "Read his vitals." N/n told me he was losing many blood and he couldn't make it.

Tyler's numb hand tried to reach me and I didn't do anything about it because maybe he was just going to tell me something like "Take care of my family, please or something." but no, this dude just said, "Hail Hydra!" and perished. I felt kind of bad for him and his family, if it was that he had one, such a young soul lost because he decided to choose the side of evil, but I wasn't going to mourn this person who made my life and many other's so difficult, not right now and not soon. Maybe when I healed from all the wounds he left and maybe when I forgive him for all the bullshit he pulled out this lasts months, years actually.

As for now, I had to let my dad and Peter know what happened and prepare for what was coming next, because this time I made it out breathing, but time has taught me I can't trust too much, but trust is the only thing that keeps us save, and losing trust on everyone meant losing trust on the world and that meant being always scared. I didn't want to be scared all the time, not so young and that's just not me. I'm never this deep and I never think too much of what I'm going to do next, but maybe that has too change for the sake of me and for the sake of my loved ones.

"Please call Peter and my dad."

I completely edited this chapter because it was SO dumb before. It had a sword...? Like, was younger me okay in the head? Anyways, if you may or may not have noticed, this format is way different to the other chapters and this is part of me rewritting this book.

Please tell if you liked this writing better than the one of older chapters.

I sure did.

Thanks for reading. Nothing too monumental was changed. I just decided to make Tyler's death more realistic.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 ✦ Peter Parker x Reader [𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓮]Where stories live. Discover now