Chapter 10 - Part 2 - Together Alone

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I rush over securing the lock on the door. Turning, I slide my back against the door as I plop my bottom on the floor. I can still hear the cries of the soldiers in the main hall, the clanking of metal echoing. I press my hands over my ears trying to drown out the sounds of my family's final cries.

Not a soul had anticipated this attack, that is my families only advantage. Yet still, my father had fallen fighting for me. If I could stop this, explain to them that it's all a misunderstanding. Maybe the King would have pardoned their behaviour and allowed them to leave. This would never be a reality, too many lives have been lost. No one can forgive death, not even me. Now I can only pray for their safety.

Placing my hand on my stomach, I think about the truth behind what they are out there fighting for, what they are risking their lives for. Treason, I have made criminals of everyone in the village. All because I am ashamed to admit the truth. I could have been truthful, written a letter; instead, I endangered everyone. I should have been faithful.

A knock startles me as it vibrates through my body. Silence follows as my heart stills in anticipation. Who is there? More banging shakes the door, and I bounce back away from the door. Staring in terror towards the quivering wood. Stepping back I grab the pillar of the bed. The door continues to quiver under the pounding from its assailant.

"Claire are you in there?" I hear the Queen's voice call out.

A shaky breath leaves me as I remain silent, utterly shocked by her arrival. She never talks to me let alone uses my name, never willingly acknowledge my presence or search for it.

"Please, Claire it's me, Katherine," she cries in panic continuing to bang on the door once more.

Should I let her in? She hates me, snubs me and Elli told me not to let anyone in. But she's not just anyone, she's my queen.

"I'm scared," she whines in a hushed confession.

It is far too cruel to leave her exposed like this. Why is she in the hallway? It's dangerous, my family could kill her if they get past the guards. She is still my queen, and I have a duty as her subject to help her in her time of need. Wiping the tears that have fallen with the back of my hand, I approach the door. A shaky uncertainty hanging over my shoulders, but maybe with this new encounter, I can earn her acceptance of me.

Unlatching the door, I open it wide. Before me stands the usually well kept Queen of Alexandria. Tonight she is undone by the sudden attack. She wears her housecoat draped around her concealing her gown beneath. Her blonde hair that was always well secured now dangled pin straight down her back. She trembles, freezing as I block the entrance.

"Please come in," I hurry her by waving my hand in an ushering motion, stepping to the side holding the door. Once she passes the frame, I push the door shut securing it with a latch for our safety. She is a queen, and I am wanted, together in this room, we are the two prized possessions hiding away.

She trembles nervously as she paces around my room. She is before me no longer the regal and cold queen, but a nervous wife fearfully overwhelmed with the desperate hopes for her Husband's safety. King Thaddeus must be down there fighting for his castle, against his own subjects, yet I never searched for him in the chaos. I only cared about the safety of my family, yet I never considered the safety of my child's father.

"Your Grace, he will be fine. I saw the fight with my own eyes, he is safe," I try to comfort her.

It is what she needs to hear, the truth behind it doesn't matter. What happens after the battle we will deal with it then. She continues to pace ignoring me as she is distracted by her thoughts.

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