Chapter 1 - Part 2 - Traveler

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Shuffling through the condensed crowd, I stare down the small makeshift square placed in the street of old clay buildings. The clay is crumbling from age, exposing the straw behind it. Slipping behind the carts against the wall, I escape the crowd.

One of the merchants glances at me, and I give an apologetic smile and slip by him. "Sorry," I mutter. He smiles, and continue on down my secret path. Abruptly, I am blinded by a sharp light. I squint away, watching as the dirt gets turned up by the many feet near the cart beside me.

Following the beacon of direct light, I find myself in front of a mirror on display. A large cart cluttered with odds and ends from the merchants travels. Most of the items are covered by a bland, thick cloth protecting it from the dusty air. The fabric around the mirror has fallen, and the sun is reflecting off the mirror lighting up my face. Stepping towards the mirror, I reach out touching the bevelled frame. Dirt sticks to my fingers, a clear smug exposing the bronze work under the caked dirt. It had journeyed far across the Plains of Lanercoast as everything does that ends up here.

I glance out past the crowd towards the scattered cottages surrounded by endless fields of wild grass. My reflection shifts with my movement, and it catches my attention. Pausing, I take a moment to take in my appearance, something I hardly get to see for myself. Haunting stoic green eyes stare back at me, screaming a question of, 'why?' Why did I have to go through all this? Before Chadwick, I was someone else.

Chadwick is infatuated with my appearance. Every man astounded by my wavy locks of light brown. Uniquely bright green eyes set me apart from the crowd of other women. I am but an exotic prize to be won, in his eyes. I was the only thing he had left to claim. Commoners gifted with my features would use them to rise in the ranks, helping their family prosper. Before my engagement, I had various men to pick from, but short-lived. He is the wealthiest man in the village, so he feels entitled to me. No one would dare to challenge him. Unfortunately, if I don't manage myself better, I could become undesirable. If I were to lose Chadwick altogether, I'd be in ruin.

I grimace at my appearance and turn away stomping through the market. Walking endlessly through the street in a rage-filled daze, my thoughts of revenge distract me. I kick up the dirt beneath my feet and watch the familiar faces of villagers pass by. Being raised in such a small village was a curse and a blessing. Everyone knew my name and face. I know I can't escape the fate of our marriage, not in the public eye. Too many witnesses would inform my father or Chadwick of my behaviour, both would punish me appropriately. My revenge needed to be silent, only my own knowledge would be satisfaction enough.

This is a loveless arrangement, proud as my family is, this was never a choice for me. When Chadwick had seen me shortly after I had finished ageing into a woman, he suddenly lusted after me. Immediately, I was instructed by my family to entice him into courting me. My father quickly invested our savings into educating me. If I were to become a vassal's bride, I would need to be reasonably educated.

The crowds are thick as usual at this time of day. Everyone is crowding around the baskets and looking for food. Placing some herbs into my basket mindlessly, I look over towards the small market table with the same old books displayed. I sigh heavily, emptying my lungs of air. If only we lived closer to the castle, then I might get to read more.

I step back from the crowd, my back pressing into someone's arm. Foot over foot, I stumble to catch my balance as I descend to the ground. Bracing for my fall, I wrap my arms around my basket. Large hands quickly surround me, halting my fall. Without a thud, my body gives in entirely to the stranger's grip, and my hair dangles away from my face, trailing towards the ground. I look up at my victim and saviour, and I gasp.

Utterly in awe of the man wrapped around me, I forget briefly that I'm in this predicament. The man leans over me supporting my weight. His long chestnut hair frames his face, his full, tight jaw is peeking out under the thick ends. It isn't clenched from anger, he looks somewhat relaxed, and his smile has a bemused expression. My eyes trail up into his natural brown coloured eyes, his soft gaze locks with mine.

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