Rascal noticed the brown wolf's eyes were filled with tears. He wasn't sure what to say.

"T-take c-care of her for me." Jumper's voice cracked.

Rascal nodded. "Promise."


Confusion passed over Misty's face. She noticed her friend's state and hurried to his side. She sank to her knees and stared at Jumper with fear written in her eyes.

He offered a weak smile, blood running out of his mouth down to his chin. "Hey, Mist."

Her eyes widened, ears drooping. Jumper reached out and tenderly touched a shaky paw to one of hers. The happiness in his face looked forced. He refused to cry, and let her see how terrified he was.

"J-Jumper..." Misty's voice trailed off. She pressed a paw against his cheek, feeling the stickiness of his blood touch her pad.

"Shh." He whispered. He flattened his ears. "It'll be alright. Don't cry, Misty." His deep voice was strained.

She closed her eyes and lowered her head. Tears rolled down her cheeks and fell. Jumper tried to force himself to sit up despite the hot pain in his body. He let out a breath through his teeth and flopped back down. Misty sobbed harder, seeing the wounds. Raw skin was showing through his fur. Gnawed bits of flesh were chewed on. Blood streaks rippled in his lovely dark pelt.

Jumper closed his eyes, his breathing becoming heavier. "I'll be okay." His voice and heart broke.

Misty whimpered, her lip trembling, and cuddled up to her best friend's side, allowing him to rest his chin on her head for a final time. Her crying made her body tremble.

"You'll be fine," Jumper felt his breaths getting shorter. "Sometimes, broken things can't be fixed."

Misty held him closer, feeling his heart grow slower with each beat until a soft sigh escaped his blood-stained lips.

Misty trembled and cried harder. She threw her head back and howled. A long, mournful howl that racked her sobs. She buried her face in his fur, crying, screaming, calling his name.

Rascal couldn't stop his emotions. Tears rolled down his cheeks, into the stained fur of Jumper.

He touched his nose to Jumper's shoulder.

Sleep well, my friend.

Rascal pressed his pelt to Misty's for a heartbeat, then raced back into battle. He fought as bravely as ever, feeling his parents' spirits.

He flung aside dogs. Digging his fangs deeply into the shoulder of one, he pinned it to the ground and began to twist.

It shrieked, yelping painfully. Something rammed into Rascal's side. He tumbled over and recovered to see a huge dog charging towards him.

That's the biggest dog I've ever seen!!

Rascal knew what he'd do. He waited until the dog was on top of him, then darted away quickly.

The dog turned its head. Rascal began his favorite tactic. Running circles around the creature, he ran through the move one more time in his head.

The dog growled and tried to lash out at him. It missed every time. Howling with frustration.


Rascal went in for the kill, he dodged the flying paws and clamped his muzzle around its neck.

It coughed, trying to shake him off. Blood met Rascal's taste-buds, so he bit down harder.

The dog sunk to its knees. It squeaked pitifully and dropped.

Rascal stepped back and surveyed his kill. A Mortal waved its arms frantically and shouted something Rascal couldn't understand.

The humans began picking up their fallen companions and heading out the way they came. Their dogs followed, tail between their legs.

I can't believe it!!!

Relief washed over Rascal. He collapsed in a puddle of rain. His heart thumped wildly until he was certain it would leap out of his chest.

A cheek nuzzled his. He glanced up into light green eyes. Misty pressed against him, her tear-stained face rising with joy. They sat forehead to forehead, staring into each other's eyes.

Wolves howled and leaped into the air. Moondancer and the other pups squealed with delight.

Blossom and Fern looked at each other in amazement.

Tyrant and Howler nodded to each other. The Stone Hollow leader came over to Rascal and took a deep breath.

"Thank you. Without you, our forest may have been lost." He dipped his head and gathered with some of his Packmates.

Tyrant gazed at Rascal. "Well done."

Rascal and Misty looked at each other. The love in the she-wolf's eyes made Rascal's heart flutter.

He looked away quickly. Staring at the Packs. Howler was rounding up his wolves to leave. Skylark was among them.

Rascal watched as they all filed out back to their territory.

"Let's go home." Rascal wrapped his tail around Misty. Flame Woods Pack all clustered together to go home.

Home......Where I belong.....

Thanks a bundle for reading!!! One more chapter!!! 😭 then the story ends.....


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