Chapter 5

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Rascal nervously paced the clearing, waiting for the news about his possible exile. Every muscle in him was alive with fear. What will I do if I'm left to fend for myself? He shivered at the thought. The eyes of his Packmates burned his pelt. He could feel them staring but didn't look up.

He heard paw steps coming towards him. He raised his head to see Skylark standing in front of him. The tall silver wolf gave a snort of annoyance. "My father is deciding now whether you'll be staying or not." He flicked his tail. "C' mon. Let's go and...have a talk." He began to head to the camp entrance. Rascal sighed and followed the alpha son into the cold air.

The sky was filled with heavy gray clouds. Rascal sniffed the air and realized it would be snowing very soon. He didn't want to go and talk. Especially with Skylark. He'd rather be spending time with his sister, or out hunting. Or even just sitting alone in his cave. He bit back some words of contempt as he and Skylark settled down beside a small grove of trees, enough to shelter them from the wind.

Rascal could sense Skylark's anxiety. He shuffled his paws and twitched his ears. Rascal's patience faded. "What do you want Skylark? What's so important that you had to say it now?"

Skylark raised his brown eyes to meet his. Rascal wasn't prepared for what he was about to say. "I love your sister, Rascal. More than anything, I want her to be my mate."

Rascal processed this information. Then became enraged. Anger gleamed in his eyes. "Why? You want her to be your mate because you know she's too kind to disagree with everything you say?" His fur bristled. He stepped forward until they were nose to nose. "Well, it won't happen! She doesn't love you! And you really don't love her!"

Skylark growled in frustration. "You don't call the shots around here, Rascal! You will not decide who your sister shall be with. She's mine."

"Oh? Ella isn't yours. I want her to be happy. And she certainly won't be with you! End of discussion." Rascal whipped around and began to stalk back. Before he could even walk two paw-steps, he felt a crushing weight slam him down to the ground. He twisted over to stare at Skylark pinning him down. No! He thought in anger.

Rascal leaped to his paws, sending Skylark flying off. The silver wolf jumped forward and smacked a strong paw across his muzzle. Rascal felt blood oozing down his face from the scratches. Pain sliced through him as Skylark dug his fangs into his tail. Rascal kicked out with his hind legs, leaped into the air, twisted, and landed on the other wolf with such force, his claws knifed into his shoulders. The silver wolf howled out in agony. He reared and slammed all of his weight down on Rascal. The black wolf pummeled Skylark's back with his paws. The two broke apart and stood, glaring at each other.

Rascal shook his head, scarlet drops of blood spattered onto the ground. Then he crouched, flattening his belly to the ground ready for another attack. Skylark snarled and his fangs dripped with Rascal's blood. The larger wolf lunged. Rascal darted forward and unbalanced him as he landed. Skylark stumbled sideways and fell with a thud. Rascal jumped on top of him and let out a throaty growl. He tore into the silver wolf's ear. He tasted the tang of blood hit the back of his throat as the red liquid rushed from the wound.

Skylark landed another blow, aiming for Rascal's leg. He staggered and his paw was jammed in a rabbit hole. Pain struck his leg as he realized it was sprained. Then he felt teeth dig into his scruff and drag him away. He was flung aside. He shook his head with horror as he recognized Howler's shape bending over his son.

A smack sent Rascal falling to the ground. He glanced up to see Destiny standing over him, a snarl on her face. Her fangs slashed a mark behind his ear. Rascal clumsily stood to his paws. He felt a gentle tongue graze the fresh wound behind his ear. Ella was suddenly there, blue eyes clouded with worry. Her licks became quicker. Rascal tried to walk away, but a lightning bolt of pain seared his paw. He gritted his teeth and inhaled sharply. Ella pressed against his shoulder, taking some of his weight for him.

Howler was suddenly a nose from his face. "How dare you?" He growled and bristled. "How dare you?"

Rascal met his gaze without flinching. "He attacked me first."

"And why should we believe you?" Destiny stood by her son, helping him to his paws.

"It's the truth!"

"I bet so...." Skylark muttered. Rascal stared at him in horror and fury. Here Skylark really started the fight but blamed it on Rascal. Some alpha... The silver wolf raised his voice. "Rascal started the fight by-"

"Elk dung!" Rascal hissed narrowing his green eyes. "You liar! I-"

Howler swatted a paw across Rascal's bloody muzzle. "Let him speak!" He snarled. More gently to his son he added. "Go on."

Skylark dipped his head in thanks. "He lunged at me, growling and spitting contempt. I only asked if I could take his sister as my mate," He briefly glanced at Ella, who was staring at him with shock and disbelief written all over her face. "He didn't want to hear it. Helplessly I fought back as best as I could without hurting him." He hung his head. "But I had no choice."

Rascal gaped back at him. What a lie!

Howler glared at him. "Well, I now know what shall be done next." Then he howled. "I, Howler, leader of Stone Hollow Pack, send you, Rascal, into exile!"

Rascal flattened his ears in fear. He opened his mouth to scream, but Ella beat him to it. "No!" She pleaded. "Please don't do this Howler! Give him another chance! I know he's innocent! Skylark made up a lie!"

Howler flashed her a warning glare. "Are you questioning your future alpha's word?"

"If he is to be alpha someday, shouldn't he be telling the truth?" Ella challenged.

Destiny bared her fangs. "Don't make up rumors like that!" Her brown eyes flicked as she stared at Rascal. "Go now."

He stood frozen to the spot. Shock swallowed every other feeling. Howler shoved him backward. "We said get out of here!"

Rascal fell back and scrambled to his feet. Ella rushed to his side. Tears gleamed in her eyes. Rascal felt choked with desperation.

He whispered only for Ella's ears. "Have faith, Ella. I'll return one day and take you with me away from here. Be patient and strong. Good-bye. I love you El." Rascal began to limp away as it started to snow.

He glanced back to see his sister standing there with a proud look in her eyes. And he knew she would never be disappointed in him. He knew they would meet again someday.

So he raised his head higher and picked up his pace.

He didn't know where he would go. Or where he would live. He pounded his paws against the ground, away into the night.

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