Chapter 23

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"Misty, wake up." Rascal prodded the she-wolf with his paw.

She opened her eyes and yawned. She stretched and hauled herself out beside him.

Rascal scanned the camp. He'd told Tyrant already, that he and Misty would leave at dawn. The Flame Woods leader agreed and told him to be careful.

Rascal nodded, he and Misty bolted across and out the entrance. They were greeted by a slap in the face from the fierce wind. It blew their fur back uncomfortably. Looking at the sky, the black wolf noticed how low and dark the clouds were. He knew they best hurry, so as not to get stuck in the rain and be forced into a shelter.

Misty led the way up the steep hills across her territory. Rascal allowed her to go ahead and take the lead until they reached Stone Hollow's border. She bounded effortlessly over rocks and sharp stones. Rascal's paws weren't as tough, but they had hardened and grown accustomed to the rough terrain.

The she-wolf was only a few paces ahead of him, ears pricked and nose twitching to keep vigilant. Rascal admired her determination and rough exterior. Well, he admired everything about her.

He felt himself warm up in the slapping wind, as he stared at the back of Misty's head. He swallowed nervously and inhaled to calm himself. He reminded himself that he had to get to Howler as fast as possible and that his "thing" for Misty would have to wait.

He told himself this over and over, but he couldn't keep his eyes away. Instead, he glanced down at his paws as they moved. But that was a mistake. He ran right into Misty's rear.

Rascal gasped and looked up to see that she had come to an abrupt stop. Awkwardly, he came to stand by her side_putting a distance of four paw-steps between them.

His mouth felt dry. "Why'd you stop?"

She didn't seem to have noticed him running into her. "I thought I heard something."

"In this wind?" His embarrassment forgotten, narrowing his eyes in confusion.

"I don't know," She sighed. "Perhaps it was nothing." She strode forth and put Rascal behind her. She was walking pretty fast, so he hurried to her side.

He glanced at her sideways, seeing the fierce fire burn in her eyes as she focused her gaze on the path ahead. Rascal couldn't help it. He bit his tongue to keep from saying something stupid. And pulled his gaze away to put his mind on anything else.

The air tasted damp, and he knew they'd have to find shelter sooner or later. The forest was dark in shadow, and his black pelt was camouflaged among them. He felt powerful, sneaky, and the darkness was on his side.

But Misty's pure white coat was bright. It was like a glowing moon, in a cloud-filled night. He sighed and prayed silently that all will go as planned. He was afraid they wouldn't make it in time. Afraid that Howler will reject his idea. And especially afraid that he would die–all for nothing.....


They had been traveling for about an hour now. Just about halfway to their destination. Exhaustion dragged Rascal's paws, and his muscles ached from climbing hills and pushing through blocked trails and so forth. They had crossed the border into Stone Hollow not long ago, but they still had a ways to go.

Misty's tongue was hanging out in a heavy pant. Rascal hasn't seen her pant–ever. Which worried him a little. That meant they pushed too hard. He hoped to get to Howler as soon as possible.

He wasn't looking forward to seeing Howler or Skylark. But he was thrilled to get to see Ella again. He missed her so much, and couldn't wait to be able to embrace her and catch up with her.

A Wolf's Tale (Book #1) The Secrets UntoldWhere stories live. Discover now