Chapter 7

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Rascal howled out in surprise as two wolves lunged for him. He tried to scramble out of the way, but pain struck up the side of his sprained paw. He felt their force topple him over. He rolled away and shot up on three paws.

The white female growled and sank her teeth into his muzzle. It stung from his fight earlier with Skylark. Rascal bit down on her shoulder. He tasted the blood in his mouth and tried to close his eyes against the feel of the blood. The brown male tackled him from the side, tossing him into the shallow water of the stream.

Weakly, Rascal tried to stand, but bolts of pain shrieked in his paw. He panted and looked up to the female's face. Her eyes were light green, and her ears pricked and alert. She drew her lips back to reveal thorn-sharp fangs.

She took a pace to stand in front of him. "What business brings you here? And who are you?"

He almost forgot to speak. "I'm Rascal, member of Ston-" He broke off and shook his head to correct himself. "Former member of Stone Hollow Pack."

The she-wolf turned to the brown male. "What should we do with him, Jumper?"

Jumper? What an odd name.

The male shrugged. "I think we should take him back, Misty."

Misty? Hmm...That's a nice name...

The one called Misty nodded. "I agree." Her fierce green eyes burned his pelt. "Let's go, Rascal. And keep pace." She whipped around. Jumper pulled him to his paws and pushed him forward.

Rascal glanced around curiously. So this what Flame Woods territory looks like. I can see why.

He had always heard stories about the fire that raged through this Pack's territory. Trees and other living plants had been burnt in the fire. In parts of the land, some of it had never grown back. Dead pines and other trees were scattered here and there. Some of it never returned to the greenery of the forest.

They entered the camp. Rascal noticed the confused and unwelcome looks in the eyes of these wolves. He wasn't quite sure what to think. He felt weirdly calm. Even when he heard whispers about possibly being killed.

Misty disappeared into a large cave, emerging a moment later with a huge red wolf at her heels. Rascal guessed he must be the alpha. When the wolf reached him, he bowed his head in deep respect.

His rumbling voice nearly made Rascal jump. "Who are you? And where are you from?"

Rascal swallowed his fear and lifted his head. "I am Rascal, former member of Stone Hollow Pack."

The red wolf tilted his head curiously like he was trying to recognize Rascal. His eyes flickered briefly over the newcomer.

The alpha shook his head of his thoughts. "Are you an exile? Or did you run away?"

"From his looks, I'd say he's a battered rogue." Some wolf howled out in laughter as others joined in.

"An exile." Rascal ignored the taunts that were thrown his way. At the word, "exile" wolves fell silent and glanced at each other nervously.

"What are you going to do with him, Tyrant?" Misty asked, glaring at Rascal.

So his name is Tyrant.

"For now he will stay here with us. Blossom will take care of his wounds." Tyrant replied. As he padded away, he lingered for a heartbeat, staring at Rascal over his shoulder. No one seemed to notice but Rascal.

He stared around and watched as everyone returned to their dens. He wasn't sure what to do. He knew he couldn't escape because he was injured. But he wanted to find his sister, and be with her again. A battered, injured, exhausted wolf wouldn't make it past the boundary line. So he decided to be patient and hope to heal quickly.

A young black she-wolf with violet eyes approached him. She looked about his age. In her mouth, she held some herbs and moss wraps. She gestured for him to sit down. He did, and she instantly began to examine him.

She nosed through his fur and treated all the scratches and cuts that he had. Rascal winced as the sting of the medicine seeped into his open wounds. After she had treated the cuts, she helped him to his paws and guided him to her den.

The healer had lied down some soft pelts for him to sleep on. After he was all settled, she went back out into the clearing. And Rascal was left alone.

For a while, he lay awake and sleep wouldn't come so quickly. He thought about the way the alpha stared at him, and his heart twisted uncomfortably. He couldn't decipher the emotions in the leader. Tyrant must be really good at keeping a stony face. But he decided it would be best to put aside those feelings for now and worry about them later.

He put his head down on his forepaws and fell into a deep sleep.

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