Chapter 24

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Misty's belly growled ferociously with hunger. She turned her eyes up to Rascal's, silently asking to stop for a quick meal. That rabbit from earlier didn't get them very far.

"Okay," He answered, sounding hungry himself. "We'll hunt, but only a small one."

They sniffed around until they came upon a small herd of elk. One bull and four females.

Misty crouched low, her belly brushing the moisture of the ground. She pulled forth slowly, feeling Rascal at her side.

They were in range. An old weak cow elk was grazing contently on a patch of grass a ways from the herd. That was their target.

Misty looked at Rascal. They both had the same idea in their minds. Misty would cut off the cow from her herd, and Rascal would start the chase.

Misty wiggled her legs, then sprang. The cow's head whipped up in alarm and desperately tried to race to the safety of the herd.

Misty lunged in front of the cow, blocking her path. The elk skidded to a halt and reared on her wobbly legs. She turned and pounded the other way with Rascal close behind.

Rascal panted as he drew up with each stride. His heart pounded, his legs pumped. Misty slowly passed him and matched the elk at the same speed.

Misty grasped the elk in her teeth. It cried out in pain and kicked feebly.

Rascal kept low to the ground, gaining speed. Misty let go and looped ahead of the elk. She planted her paws, determination glowed in her eyes.

Joy pricked Rascal's paws. They almost had it! He could just taste the sweet satisfying flavor in his mouth. He licked his lips and charged on.

But the moment was washed away. Misty was about to pounce but went sideways in a blur of movement. Rascal instantly quit the chase and let the elk escape. He paused in horror and glared at Misty's attacker.

"Intruders!" Skylark howled over his shoulder. Two wolves burst from the shadows and flanked his sides.

Boulder and Stone came to a quick stop.

"Hey look, it's that she-wolf from Flame Woods Pack!" Boulder snorted and laughed.

Rascal stalked to stand four paw-steps in front of Skylark. The silver wolf looked up in surprise.

"Rascal?" He still held Misty to the ground. The shock flickered in his gaze for a heartbeat, before turning to fury. "Come to get hurt?"

Rascal held his gaze firmly, not a word escaped his lips. Just a dismissive flick of an ear.

Misty fought to escape the alpha son's strong grip. She wiggled helplessly on her back, glaring at Skylark with a curl of her lip.

"She's a strong one," Skylark remarked with a mocking tone. He placed a paw on her throat and pressed down. The she-wolf didn't even flinch, nor move her burning eyes away from his.

Stone grasped Misty's scruff when Skylark confronted Rascal.

Another wolf came from the bushes. "Easy Skylark." Rascal noticed it was Ella!

He glanced at her joyfully. Her blue eyes glimmered with tears as they stared at each other.

She's okay! He sighed inwardly with relief.

"Get lost, Rascal," Skylark ignored Ella's warning. "You're not welcome."

Rascal wasn't listening. He couldn't help but steal a glance at Misty, to where she was pinned on the muddy forest floor.

A Wolf's Tale (Book #1) The Secrets UntoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora