Chapter 3

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A few days later, Rascal trotted to the den of his sickly mother. She lay on her side. Her breaths were short and raspy. Her black and white coat seemed to hang from her. Maple's eyes glazed with a high fever. Rascal could barely look at his own mother. She didn't look like herself.

But her personality hasn't changed at all.

"Hey, Rascal!" She pushed to a sitting position. "How's my wonderful son?"

Rascal bowed his head in deep respect. "I'm doing very well, Ma. And so is Ella." He sat down next to her and licked her droopy ears gently. "What about you?"

"Me? Ha! I'm feeling just fine dear." Maple's eyes scanned Rascal from head to tail. "My, how you've grown! You're so strong! It's been a while since you've visited me. Why don't you come more often?" Her voice cracked with illness.

Rascal felt flattered by her compliment. "Everyone in the Pack thinks I'd disturb you." He changed the subject. "But that doesn't matter. Have Boulder and Stone been to see you lately?"

His words must've struck a nerve. Maple's face darkened. Rascal knew very well that she and her oldest two pups didn't get along at all. They're too prideful and full of hate and arrogance. They act as though they didn't need their mother anymore. Maple is full of wisdom and life, but they feel like they shouldn't run to their mother anymore no matter what.

But she's always been there for them. And never, have they once been there for her. Which makes Rascal angry and disappointed in his brothers.

The she-wolf turned away abruptly.

"No. Not in a long time. But I don't care if they come to see me or not. I don't need their pity," She flicked her tail in Rascal's direction. "Besides, my pups aren't arrogant. You and Ella are my true offspring. Pups treat their mothers with respect. And you and Ella are true, honest, and courageous."

"Like Father..." Rascal whispered loud enough for his mother to hear.

Maple's eyes filled with sorrow as she looked at her son. "Yes. Your father was most certainly honest and courageous. He fought for what was right. And he loved you all so much. But he bonded with you and your sister more, because you were willing to listen to him all the time." She gazed at the cave wall as if looking back on her life with Rascal's father. She inhaled deeply and began to chuckle. "I...I remember the time when your father was trying to impress me. He said he was the best fisher in all of Lifeless Forest. So we went to the nearest creek. And he waited for a fish to come by. When it did, he dove for it, but missed entirely and fell into the creek. I thought he was so funny and cute and...." She trailed off as tears streamed down her face. She gathered herself and finished. "And that was the moment I knew I loved him."

Rascal shuffled his paws uneasily and looked down. He and Ella were so close to their father when they were pups. But when he disappeared, it left them heartbroken and shattered.

A deep rage suddenly pulsed through Maple. And her eyes glowed blue fire, just like Ella's. A snarl curled up her throat. She pushed her paws deeper into the soft pelt she had been laying on, her fur bristling. She whipped her head around to look at Rascal. He flinched back in surprise.

"Listen to me, Rascal." A sharp tone whisked her voice. "Someday, I want you and Ella to run, and leave this so-called Pack! I know you two are destined for greater things than this unfortunate life."

Rascal nodded in understanding. Howler has never really liked Rascal or his mother. But he had been fond of his father. When he disappeared, Howler was ashamed to even think about getting rid of his best warrior's family. He thought that Rascal would eventually be disciplined, but he wasn't. He refused to obey anything that he didn't think was right. That led to abuse and mockery.

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