Chapter 29

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The bitter wind sharply cut into her pelt. Misty lowered her head against the rain. Carrying the leftover meat from camp in her jaws. She tried her best to keep moving, so as not to get cold enough to catch an illness.

The rain slapped over the wolves. Little Moondancer hobbled along bravely, carrying a small bundle of herbs. Tyrant was at the lead, eyes narrowed and ears pricked in concentration. Fire was hollering orders across the group of wolves, running back every so often to see if anyone needed help.

Now that the battle was almost upon them, Misty's stomach flipped anxiously. She couldn't bear the thought of losing any of her Packmates, but she knew very well that not everyone would live.

Rascal was ahead of her about four paces. She figured that he was thinking the same things she was. An icy claw of fear slowly trickled down her back. She bit her lip nervously and tightened her grip on the meat.

The ground sloped upward and carried them over slippery rocks and moss. It flattened out but they continued on slowly to keep their balance in line.

Tyrant signaled for them to stop. He sniffed the air and flicked his tail. Misty peered around and below, was Crossed Streams. The red alpha gave the signal to head down.

The wolves flew down the side of the rocky cliff face, wind buffeting their fur and blowing rain in their pelts. They skidded over sticky mud and sharp stones pierced their pads.

Once at the bottom, Misty put her meat on a pile where some of the other wolves were sorting it out. Then she glimpsed about, spotted Rascal, and made her way over to him.

His eyes shone brightly when she approached. Misty was glad he was there. She placed a quick lick on his cheek.

"Nervous?" She asked in a whisper.

"Terrified." He replied. Misty could feel his heartbeat quicken in his chest. And she wondered if he could feel hers.

She didn't want to think about who'd live, remembering the horror of the battle, or the ones who would cruelly lose their lives.

I pray that Rascal isn't one of them...

Losing Rascal would be like losing her other half. The part of her that made her whole. The part that made her complete.

She gazed up in his eyes. Feeling many emotions that couldn't make it out of her mouth. Misty closed her eyes, and inhaled Rascal's scent; the scent she'd come to know so well these past months. It burned in the back of her mind. She remembered the first time they'd met.

He was injured and stumbling about like he was blind. She thought of him as an intruder and attacked him with all her might.

Misty laughed inwardly.

We were so different then.

A gentle tongue swept above her eyes. It came across the scar that her father had left on her when she was a pup.

She almost flinched, but realized, she didn't have to be afraid anymore. She could forget the past and focus on her future.

My mother and father didn't care about me, but there's only one wolf in the world that can give me the love and care I've needed.

Rascal's face glowed, revealing every little thing he was feeling. He buried his face in her soft fur. They sat like that for a while, basking in the other's warmth and comfort.

"Misty," A deep, shy sounding voice softly called.

She turned, and Jumper was sitting about six paw-steps away, looking at her with sorrow and......jealousy?

A Wolf's Tale (Book #1) The Secrets UntoldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin