Chapter 6

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Misty gulped down her meal. The taste of elk meat soothed her belly. She licked her lips and stood, stretching with a yawn. Some of her Packmates must be out scouting the territory for Mortals because there weren't very many wolves in camp. Wren, the mother of the three pups, Moondancer, Hawk, and Sparrow, watched her little ones play in the frosty clearing.

Misty decided to say hello. "Hey, Wren. The pups are growing I see. You must be very proud."

The dusty-red she-wolf drew herself up. "I am." Her amber eyes glowed with pride. But a glimmer of sadness crossed her face. Misty wasn't sure why exactly the older wolf looked so distraught.

"You okay?"

Wren didn't move her eyes away from her frolicking pups. "Yeah. Just an exhausted mother."

Misty lingered a moment longer, eyeing Wren curiously. She left the mother wolf and her pups, to pad to the far side of the clearing to where Tyrant was handing out final orders to the remaining wolves.

"Thorn, take Moon and Frost with you to check the East border. Thunder, round up some wolves to go hunting." He turned his head to Misty. "Could you and Jumper watch the border with Stone Hollow Pack? I have a feeling they might try their old tricks."

"Yes, sir." Misty dipped her head and scanned the clearing for Jumper. She didn't see him and thought that he must be in his den napping. She trotted across to his den and poked her head inside. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light, and she saw a brown mound of fur curled up in sleep.

She gently shook him awake. "C' mon Jumper. Tyrant wants us to scout some territory."

Jumper's brown eyes fluttered open. He yawned and drowsily stood to his paws.

Misty backed out of the den to give him some time to mentally wake up. She was surprised when she saw Fire limping from Blossom's Healing Den.

"What about me?" He rasped, pulling up next to Tyrant. "What can I do?"

Tyrant sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fire, you shouldn't be out-and-about. That leg of yours needs time to rest and heal. You could damage it more if you try to take on duties again." He replied firmly.

Blossom came running from her den. A relieved expression crossed her face when she saw the second-in-command. "Quit trying to escape! My, my, you're worse than a pup! Come along now, it's time for you to take another dose of medicine."

Fire grinned. "Okay, I'll be there in a minute." Turning to Tyrant he added. "I know I won't be able to do my second-in-command duties for a while. So I ask if you would put a wolf temporarily in my place until I'm done healing."

Tyrant bowed his head. "Certainly," He gazed around in thought until his eyes rested on a dark gray wolf. "How about Isaac?"

"Yes, he will do. Although he is young, he is very smart," Fire agreed. "I trust that he will do a good job."

Isaac was called over and given the news. His eyes widened at this new information.

"Me?" His eyes swept back and forth between his leader and second-in-command.

"Yes. You will fill in for Fire until he is able to take over his responsibilities again," Tyrant explained. "Come with me, Isaac. I'll tell you all about the jobs you'll have for a while." He and Misty's cousin disappeared into the alpha den. And Blossom gently guided Fire back to her den for medicine.

The dawn sky glimmered bright orange and pink. The night was cold. Perhaps it will get warmer once the sun is at its full peak. The bare branches of the trees rattled in the wind. Pine trees sheltered their camp.

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